Lamb castration technology

The significance of the deprivation When the lambs are declining, the temperament becomes gentle, easy to manage, the appetite is enhanced, Mauser is bright, and the weight gain is fast. What is more important is that the meat is delicious, the smell is reduced, and the economic value is improved.

The condition of the deprived lamb is about 15 kilograms, which is too small to affect growth. If it is too large, the smell of meat increases, and the slow-growing castration is postponed, and the development is soon advanced.

The method of castration did not create a castration. The inelastic string is used to tie the base of the scrotum; the jaws are clamped with a small bamboo plate at the base of the scrotum; the drug is castrated, and the drug is injected in the direction of the testicular spindle and the testicular tissue is coagulated. In the above methods, the lambs have a long period of pain and the feed intake is reduced. Generally, they are not used. Create a castration. Clean up the site, hold the side of Baoding or an assistant in her arms, clean the scrotum, sterilize the iodine, de-iodine alcohol, hold the scrotum base on the left hand, squeeze the testicles to the scrotum, cut the skin and the total sheath transversely, and the wound can be squeezed. Pressing testis is appropriate, carefully cut the outer membrane of the testis (intrinsic sheath), to ensure the integrity of the testis, in order to facilitate healing, squeezing the testicles, squeezing the testicular adventitia, cutting off the testicular ligament, pulling out the spermatic cord, scraping Turning off (blunt separation), can not use a knife to cut (sharp separation), to ensure minimal bleeding or no bleeding, spermatic cord thick, ligation of spermatic cord. Alcohol cleans the wound without anti-inflammatory drugs. Uncover the top. Baoding disinfection method with the former, the operator left hand holding the top of the scrotum, squeeze the testicles retracted to the base of the scrotum, the right hand with a surgical scissors along the left hand tiger scrotal top horizontal shear, the testicles are directly exposed, but can not cut the testis, remove the testis The method is the same as above.

After de-trending, the animals were reared in groups and kept clean and dry without contamination. Stocking households, keeping a week, avoiding rain. Observe carefully. If there is infection, clean the wound with alcohol and apply a dry powder anti-inflammatory drug to apply the wound.

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