Water soluble fertilizer knowledge

Introduction: The promotion of energy-saving and environment-friendly water-soluble fertilizers (including liquid fertilizers) is conducive to a significant increase in fertilizer utilization and zero growth in chemical fertilizers. As a big producer of fertilizer, liquid fertilizers account for only a small proportion of the entire fertilizer production in China, and its development prospects in China are limitless.

The main varieties of liquid fertilizer are liquid foliar fertilizers and fertilization, while the production of clear liquid fertilizers and suspended fertilizers based on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium has just started. China currently has 23,000 irrigation machines, mainly used for potato, corn, pasture, and wheat production. The estimated area of ​​application of the water spray belt is over 100 million mu, of which the membrane water belt is the most popular. The area of ​​drip irrigation of field crops is about 37.7 million mu in Xinjiang, about 10 million mu in Inner Mongolia, 7 million mu in Liaoning, 3 million mu in Jilin, 2 million mu in Heilongjiang, 1 million mu in Gansu, 800,000 mu in Ningxia, and 1.5 million mu in other provinces. All of them are the "hardware" foundation for liquid fertilizers to become the mainstream fertilizer in the future. Today, this edition describes the rational use of water-soluble fertilizers to overcome the barriers to the use of "software" between liquid fertilizer fields.

Water-soluble fertilizers in China actually refer to water-soluble compound fertilizers, including both solid and liquid forms. Generally speaking, water-soluble compound fertilizer formula is more reasonable, more nutrients, more targeted for the crop. However, irrational use in production can result in wasted fertilizer and even negative effects.

1 basic requirements for reasonable application

1, a small number of multiple applications This is the most important principle of water-soluble fertilization of fertilizers, consistent with the characteristics of plant roots to continuously absorb nutrients, reducing the leaching loss caused by a large number of one-time fertilization. The small amount of multiple applications is the most important reason for the high utilization rate of water-soluble fertilizers. The average dosage per acre is 3-6 kg. Less seedlings, more vigorous growth period.

2. Pay attention to nutrient balance Water soluble fertilizers are usually applied by pouring, spraying or by irrigation equipment. Especially under drip fertigation conditions, the roots grow densely and have large amounts. At this time, the dependency on the supply of nutrients to the soil is reduced, and it is more dependent on the nutrients provided by drip irrigation, especially in sandy soils, and the ratio of nutrients is reasonable. Concentration has higher requirements. If the formula is not balanced, it will affect the growth of crops and produce a deficiency syndrome.

3, the safe application of fertilizer to prevent damage to the leaves and roots, especially sprinkler irrigation and micro-fertilization fertilization, prone to burning leaf phenomenon. Usually, the soluble salt concentration EC of the fertilizer solution is controlled at 1 to 3 ms/cm (milli-Siemens per centimeter), or 1 to 3 kg per square meter of water, corresponding to a dilution of 350 to 1000 times, or spraying clean water after spraying the fertiliser. When spraying, it is also necessary to prevent excessive burning of roots. Some growers add 70 kg of water-soluble fertilizer to pineapple on one side of the water, causing black roots to die. The safest method in production is to use a small amount of fertilizer to test and find that if there is damage to the leaves, the concentration is reduced. Some large growers can purchase handheld conductivity meters to monitor fertilizer concentrations, especially in areas with high salt concentrations.

2 drip irrigation precautions

1, drip irrigation fertilization, the first drop of clear water, and other pipes filled with water and start fertilizing. Immediately after the completion of fertilization, drip water for 20 to 30 minutes, and drain all the remaining fertilizer from the pipe (the conductivity meter can be used to monitor whether it is completely discharged). If the tube is not washed, moss, algae and other low-grade plants or microorganisms may grow at the dripper and clogging the dripper. In particular, long fertilization intervals, this situation is prone to occur. In the rainy season, there is no shortage of water in the soil. At this time, fertilization requires speed, and it is best to finish the application within half an hour, without driping water after fertilization. Or do not apply fertilizer by drip irrigation, use soil surface fertilizer. In the rainy season, the nitrogen fertilization on the soil surface is dominated by ammonium nitrogen fertilizer, and urea and nitrate nitrogen fertilizer are not suitable.

2, greenhouses or greenhouse long-term use of drip irrigation fertilization, will cause surface salt accumulation, affecting root growth. Irrigation under the membrane can be used to inhibit salt migration to the surface.

3, pay attention to fertilization uniformity drip fertilization in principle, the slower the better. Especially for elements with poor mobility in the soil (such as phosphorus), prolonging fertilization time can greatly increase the utilization of difficult-to-shift nutrients. In the dry season, drip fertilization is recommended. Fertilization is recommended to be completed in 2 to 3 hours. In the absence of water in the soil, as soon as the uniformity is guaranteed, the sooner the better.

4, to avoid excessive irrigation generally maintain the depth of the root can be moist, root depth varies greatly depending on the crop, you can use shovel to dig the soil at any time to understand the specific depth of the root layer. Excessive irrigation is not only a waste of water, but it will seriously leaching the nutrients below the roots, wasting fertilizer, and reducing crop yields. In particular, urea and nitrate nitrogen fertilizers (such as potassium nitrate, calcium ammonium nitrate, nitrophosphate fertilizers, and water-soluble fertilizers containing nitrate nitrogen) are easily lost to water.

5. Irrigation water quality Understand the hardness and pH of irrigation water, avoid precipitation and reduce fertilizer efficiency. If the pH of the irrigation water is greater than 7.0, it indicates that the water is alkaline, which may cause the loss of ammonium nitrogen in the water-soluble fertilizer. The practice abroad is to dissolve a certain amount of sulfuric acid in irrigation water and adjust the water to be slightly acidic. If the hardness of the water is high, calcium and magnesium are high, and the water is alkaline, when the water-soluble phosphate fertilizer is applied, calcium phosphate salt precipitation may occur, and the precipitate cannot be filtered out by the filter and is not easily observed by the naked eye. The fine sediment particles pass through the filter and enter the drip irrigation pipeline, slowly accumulate in the flow path of the dripper and accumulate to a certain extent, blocking the dripper. This is one of the reasons for the drip blocking of many saline-alkaline soil areas. At the same time, phosphate precipitation is also an important reason for reducing the effect of phosphate fertilizers in water-soluble fertilizers. In view of this situation, it is recommended to use acidic fertilizers such as urea phosphate, urea sulfate, acidic water-soluble fertilizers, etc.

6, with other fertilizers in conjunction with the application of water-soluble fertilizers usually only top dressing. In the recommended fertilization, basal fertilizer should be combined with top dressing, organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer combined, and water soluble fertilizer combined with conventional fertilizer. Do not emphasize the use of water-soluble fertilizers in place of other fertilizers, but use them in combination to reduce costs and give full play to the advantages of various fertilizers. The basal fertilizer is usually applied with organic fertilizers, phosphate fertilizers, magnesium fertilizers, etc., and top-dressing water-soluble fertilizers are used in small amounts for multiple applications. In developed countries, water-soluble fertilizers (including liquid fertilizers) are conventional fertilizers, and the price is suitable. Top-dressing fertilizers generally use water-soluble fertilizers.

Inorganic Water-soluble Fertilizers and Organic Water-soluble Fertilizers The commonly used organic water-soluble fertilizers are amino acids, yellow humic acid, and seaweed polysaccharides. These substances have the functions of stimulating root growth, chelating metal trace elements, and improving crop resistance. When combined with the two, it will significantly promote the absorption of nutrients and increase the efficiency of fertilizer use.

Anesthesia Breathing circuits

Trifanz provide a complete line of breathing circuit and anesthesia circuit in corrugated, smoothbore, expandable tubes.

Ventilator Circuit

Ø 1 set of circuit include:4 tubes,2 straight connectors,1 Y-connector,1 elbow connector with luer cap,2 watertraps

Ø size:Adult(ID 22mm),Pediatric(ID 15mm),Neonate(ID 10mm)

Ø Length:0.5-3 meters,any length customized

Ø Tube type:Corrugated,Expandable,Smoothbore

Ø Optional spare parts:Anesthesia mask,Breathing Bag,BVF/HME filter,catheter mount,extra limb,sampling line,suction tube,airway cannula,etc.


Ø 1 set of circuit include:2 tubes,2 straight connectors,1 Y-connector,1 elbow connector,1 Luer cap

Ø size:Adult(ID 22mm),Pediatric(ID 15mm),Neonate(ID 10mm)

Ø Length:0.5-3 meters,any length customized

Ø Tube type:Corrugated,Expandable,Smoothbore

Ø Material:Medical Polymer

Ø Optional spare parts:Anesthesia mask,Breathing bag,BVF/HME filter,catheter mount,single limb,suction tube,airway cannula,etc.

Breathing Circuit Ventilator,Anesthesia Circuits,Disposable Breathing Circuit,Anesthesia Breathing System

Hangzhou Trifanz Medical Device Co., Ltd , https://www.cfzmed.com

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