Potato ridge cultivation method

Before and after the planting time on May 1st, the tillage layer can be sown at 8 to 12 °C. The sowing method is to use a potato planter, fertilize, sow and cover soil to complete one-off, so as to ensure the quality of protection. The planting density should be determined according to the characteristics of the cultivars. In principle, early-maturing varieties should be maintained at about 63,000 plants/hm2, and medium-late-maturing plants should be about 60,000 plants/hm2. The depth of sowing is 8~10 cm. After sowing, see the lyrics for repression on the same day or suppression on the next day.

Greenhouse Ventilation Fan

Ventilation is one of the most important components in a successful greenhouse.
If there is no proper ventilation, greenhouses and their growing plants can become prone to problems. The main purposes of ventilation are to regulate the temperature and humidity to the optimal level, and to ensure movement of air and thus prevent build-up of plant pathogens (such as Botrytis cinerea) that prefer still air conditions. Ventilation also ensures a supply of fresh air for photosynthesis and plant respiration, and may enable important pollinators to access the greenhouse crop.

Greenhouse Circulation Fan,Greenhouse Ventilation Fan,Automated Greenhouse Ventilation Fan


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