Potato soft rot is a bacterial disease that damages potato tubers during storage. Each year occurs in varying degrees, generally 3% to 5% of annual production, often with dry rot infection, causing greater losses. The harm symptoms and prevention methods are as follows:
First, the symptoms of damage
Soft rot generally occurs on tubers prior to harvest and on stored tubers. Infested tubers, with slightly depressed stomata, brown or brown, surrounded by water immersion. Under dry conditions, the lesions harden, dry, and the necrotic tissue collapses. When it develops to decay, the soft rot tissue is wet cream or tan with soft particulates. The boundaries between the infected tissue and the healthy tissue are obvious, and the lesions have brown or black pigments on the edges. The rot is odorless in the early stage and there is odor, mucus, and sticky material after the second infestation.
Second, the transmission route
Soft rot is a bacterial disease. Variants of E. carotovora and E. variabilis variants are common pathogens of soft rot. The two pathogens are anaerobic bacteria that are easily spread in water. The infection cycle of soft rot is similar to black shank disease. Generally easy to enter from other lesions, the formation of secondary infection, compound infection. Early infected mother plants can infect progeny tubers through stolons. Warm and high humidity and lack of oxygen are conducive to tuber soft rot. Ground temperature at 20 °C ~ 25 °C or above 25 °C, harvested tubers will be highly susceptible. Poor ventilation, water accumulation in the fields, and an anaerobic environment caused by water film on the tubers after washing, are conducive to the occurrence and development of diseases. Applying more nitrogen fertilizer also increases susceptibility.
Third, control methods
1. Strengthen field management, pay attention to ventilation and reduce the humidity in the field.
2, timely removal of diseased plants, and disinfection with lime to reduce the field of initial infection and re-infection source.
3, avoid flood irrigation.
4. Spray 50% Chlortothasone WP 500 times solution or 12% Green Milk Emulsion 600 times, 47% Garethon WP 500 times, and 14% Hydroxycyanide 300 times.
Puyang Linshi Medical Supplies Co., Ltd. , https://www.linshimedicals.com