Meat donkey breeding and fattening

Donkey meat is a typical high-protein, low-fat meat food. Donkey meat also has health functions such as blood supplement and qi supplement. To raise and fatten donkeys, the following four measures must be implemented.
(1) Selecting good donkeys China donkeys are divided into three types according to their physical size: large donkeys have Shaanxi Guanzhong donkeys, Shandong Texas donkeys (Bohai Sea donkeys), weighing 250-290 kilograms, and donkeys of 350 kilograms or more; medium-sized donkeys. There are Shanxi Jinnan donkey, Guangling donkey, Henan Huaiyang donkey, Gansu Qingyang donkey, weighing 220-250 kilograms, and the donkey also has more than 300 kilograms; the small donkey has Henan donkey, Shaanxi sand donkey, Inner Mongolia Kulun donkey, Ningxia Xiji donkey, Gansu donkey, Sichuan donkey, Yunnan donkey, Tibetan donkey, Liaoning donkey, weighing 160 to 220 kilograms, the male donkey also has more than 250 kilograms. There are three kinds of meat donkey selection requirements: First, rapid growth and development, can speed up the fattening process, raising the efficiency of raising; Second, the body size should be larger, can grow more meat, improve the slaughter rate; Third, the physical should be strong, hoof small and solid, Strong disease resistance, good heredity. Meat donkeys should be selected as donkeys, followed by large donkeys, while small donkeys are mostly used for donkey-hide gelatins, and their meat is also put on the market. Improving donkeys with thoroughbred donkeys and using their hybrid offspring for meat donkey breeding are the best choices.
(B) do a good job fattening ass should choose to leeward, sunny, dry, warm and cool housing, according to age, body condition, male and female, the strength of the slot for feeding, do not grazing, in order to reduce feed consumption, conducive to rapid fattening . The fattening process can be divided into three stages:
1. Adaptation Period: Donkey forcible insects purchased, not castrated, fed by sex, body weight. The 15-day-old ass of the newborn donkey is prepared by mixing the corn, wheat, millet and other equal parts into a weak, adding a little sugar, but can not feed too much, generally used as a lure, starting from the daily feed of 10 g. , Gradually increase, after the age of 22 days, feed 80 to 100 grams of mixed concentrate. The formula is: soybean meal plus cotton cake 50%, cornmeal 29%, wheat bran 20%, salt 1%, 1 month old per head Donkeys are fed 100 to 200 grams a day and are fed 500 to 1000 grams on 2 months of age. In the case of newly purchased adult donkeys or obsolete donkeys, first digestible dry grass, grass and bran are fed. After a few days of normal observation, feed the mixed feed. The coarse material is cottonseed husks, corn stalks, Grassgrass, cardamom or other kinds of green and hay are the main ingredients. The concentrate is made up of 50% cottonseed cake (bean cake, peanut cake), 30% cornmeal (barley, millet), and 20% bran (bean residue). When feeding, pay attention to less feed Tim, drink enough water, adequate amount of salt.
2. Meat increase period: adult donkeys feed the same as above. Young donkeys start from 100 to 200 grams of supplemental concentrates. After 2 months of age, 500 to 1,000 grams of supplements are fed. Afterwards, they are gradually increased from month to month. By the time of 9 months of age, concentrates can be fed to 3.0 to 3.5 kg. A total of 500 kilograms of fine material was consumed during the entire period of fattening. If the cottonseed is fry yellow or boiled until it expands and splits, 1000g will be fed per donkey and the fattening effect will be better.
3. Fertility period: 2 to 3 months. This period mainly promotes the full body fat of the donkey and deposits fat. In addition to the above-mentioned daily materials, the following methods of fattening can also be adopted: (1) Each donkey uses 100 grams of white sugar or 150 grams of brown sugar per day in warm water to allow donkeys to drink and even drink for 10 to 20 days. (2) 250 grams of lard, 1 kilogram of fresh leek, 10 grams of salt, fried and fed, once a day, even fed 7 days. (3) The cottonseed is fried yellow until it explodes and splits. Each donkey feeds 1 kilogram per day and feeds for 15 days. Adding proper amount of zinc during the fattening process can prevent hair loss and skin diseases. Sheltered meat donkeys must be regularly fed quantitatively, and fed four times a day early, middle, late, and night. During spring and summer, they can be fed one more time during the day and autumn and winter can be fed less during the daytime. However, it must be fed once at night.
(C) to strengthen the management of meat donkey fattening, pay attention to the room temperature, heat insulation when the weather, and try to let the donkey more sun, avoid excessive consumption of physical fitness due to cold; timely cooling when the heat, strengthen ventilation, to prevent heat stroke Or loss of appetite. There should be about 1 hour of exercise each day. In the event of rain or snow, slight movements can be done in the shaded fence. Daily body brushing of meat donkeys can stimulate the skin to promote blood circulation, enhance body surface movements, and can also remove ectoparasites such as ticks and fleas to promote body surface health. Donkey houses, feeding troughs and sinks are cleaned daily, cleaned and kept clean. Every 10 to 15 days, 3% of Lysées are used to disinfect donkey shelters to prevent diseases.
(4) Meat donkeys grow slowly at the time of slaughter. Fertility returns will gradually decline. The slaughter rate is highest at this time. One day prior to slaughter, the water was not fed, leaving the donkey in a hunger strike. Therefore, feeding will affect the meat quality.

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