Black fungus series food processing method

Black fungus is a favorite edible mushroom. Its delicate texture, crisp and smooth, while black fungus has Qi, blood circulation, bleeding, physical, anti-cancer and prevention and treatment of hypertension and other effects. Therefore, the use of black fungus processed foods not only taste good, but also has a good role in health care, health food and black food is a pearl, more and more people are welcome.

1, black fungus spiced dried

1.2 The ratio of raw materials to black fungus 10kg, sugar 0.2kg, salt 0.4kg, licorice 0.6kg, fennel 0.1kg, cloves 40g, Guiertong 60g, citric acid 24g, sodium benzoate 10g, licorice powder and sodium saccharin a little.

1.2 Processing Points

1.2.1 Use black fungus without fungus and worms, soaked in water for 1 hour, cut off the base and culture medium, wash and put it in alum solution containing 1.5% soak for 40 minutes. Black fungus, rinsed with water.

1.2.2 The licorice, guertong and other spices are boiled with water twice, filtered, and the filtrate is mixed twice. After adding sugar, salt, citric acid, etc., it is mixed in the cylinder and poured into the black fungus for 6 hours. Dry, spread or bake to 80%, and then re-immersion cylinder 6h.

1.2.3 Put the black fungus into the pot with the juice, boil for about 15min, dissolve in sodium benzoate and sodium saccharin, soak it in the cylinder for 4-6h, remove from the sun or bake till it reaches 80% dry, and then suck it back into the jar to absorb all the juice. until. When the last time it is dried to 80% dry, mix licorice powder, which is the finished product, and close the package with food plastic bags.

2, smoked fungus health instant noodles

2.1 Raw materials and formula composition Refined flour 25kg, eggs 2.5kg, vegetable oil 1Okg, refined salt 0.5kg, black fungus extract 1.5kg, seasoning 250g.

2.2 Processing Points

2.2.1 Preparation of black fungus extract Take dry black fungus 0.2kg, smash, add 2kg of clear water, boil for 30min, get the first extract after filtration, leave the rest of the residue heated water 1.5kg, cook for 20min, filter the second The secondary fluids were combined and the two extracts were combined and concentrated by heating to 13 kg.

2.2.2 Beads Pour black agaric extracts, eggs, and salt into the noodle mixer, stir well, then pour the flour into the noodle mixer and mix evenly. Mix for 20 minutes to make the dough soft and elastic. Then remove and press the noodles. .

3, black fungus health blood wafer

3.1 Raw material composition Black fungus extract, special grade flour, refined white sugar, high quality milk powder, lard, edible essence, vanillin, leavening agent, vitamin C, L-lysine, folic acid, preservatives, etc.

3.2 Processing Points

3.2.1 The milk powder and lard are weighed and mixed and stirred. Sugar powder and black fungus extract are added. After continuous mixing, flavor, vanillin, preservatives, vitamin C, folic acid and L-lysine are added. Stir and reserve (for sandwich)

3.2.2 Mix the flour with proper amount of water, add sugar powder and leavening agent and stir together. Use far-infrared baking to make the crust.

3.2.3 According to the conventional method of making cakes, the cakes are sandwiched, cut, sorted, finished and packaged, and they can be shipped from the factory.

4, smoked wooden ear plate sugar

4.1 Raw material composition 500g of red sugar, 200g of black fungus powder.

4.2 The process of sugar will be placed in aluminum pot, add a small amount of water, simmer to a thicker, add the black powder beforehand crushed, mix thoroughly and ceasefire. While hot, pour the sugar in a large enamel plate that has been coated with cooking oil. Wait until it is slightly cold. Flatten the sugar and use a knife to cut it into small pieces. After cooling, serve as a brownish-sandstone sugar.

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