The beginning of spring cultivation, corn seeding need to pay attention

1, straw returned

A large area to promote straw returning technology, but the emergence of straw often appeared after the emergence of low seedlings, yellow seedlings, weak seedlings, and even dead seedlings.

(1) Crushing is not complete. The comminuted straw is too long, and the depth of the plough is not enough, often the straw is exposed, affecting sowing.

(2) Large soil voids. After the straw is returned to the field, part of the straw is exposed, part of it is not rot, the soil is loose, and the ability to keep smashing is poor, affecting emergence.

(3) The spores and eggs of the germs accumulate.

2. Poor quality of soil preparation

The poor quality of the site preparation, the dark and bright soil, the large porosity of the soil, and the poor soil and water-retaining properties of the soil, seriously affect the growth of plant roots and the entire plant.

3, sowing time

(1) Early sowing. In early spring, the temperature is low, and the emergence time is long. This can easily cause the seedlings to be rotten and cause seedlings to cut off the ridges. Sometimes the seedlings often encounter late frosts after emergence, and there are low temperature injury seedlings.

(2) sowing late. Delaying sowing will lead to late maturation of corn, or early frost, affecting corn yield and grain commerciality.

4, sowing method

(1) Mechanical sowing. Seeds and chemical fertilizers are sowed at the same time during mechanical sowing, but the distance between common seeds and chemical fertilizers is too close, and chemical fertilizers are burned; due to poor quality of the soil preparation, common sowing depths are different; due to poor hand-manipulators, common parallel phenomenon; common individual species The hole was blocked and missed broadcast caused missing line.

(2) Manual sowing. The large lands are convenient for mechanical operations. The small lands are suitable for manual operation. Manual seeding is carried out using a seed sowing machine in many places. The advantage is that more than ten square meters or even smaller fields can be planted, and the amount of seeding can be completely controlled. It can be broadcast as much as possible. To the top of the ground, the maximum use of limited land. However, the problem with the on-demand device is that the depth of sowing is different, and the depth of sowing is different for different people. The depth and depth of the same person are different when they are just starting and after hours of sowing. In addition, it is also related to soil, where the soil is hard and sowing, and where the soft soil is sown. With different shades, the emergence of seedlings will vary from morning to evening.

(3) Semi-mechanized sowing. In some places, people or livestock are still used for planting. Similarly, there will be different shades, missing broadcasts and parallel phenomena.

5, the amount of sowing

(1) sowing seeds. The advantage is to save seeds and reduce the cost of common people's seeds. However, there are also some problems: when seed germination rate is low, seedling emergence is not good; Chen seed is affected by climate, and it is difficult to guarantee full seedling; poor quality of site preparation; seedling ridging and ridging are common after seeding; seedling diseases and insect pests can easily lead to seedling deficiency. No seedlings are commonly seeded or graded.

(2) Multi-grain seeding in one hole. The advantage is that the whole seedling can be guaranteed. The existing problems are: wasting seeds and increasing planting costs; less seedlings will cause seedlings to develop poorly; seedlings in the same seedlings in a single hole will grow staggered in the roots, increasing the difficulty of setting seedlings. It is easy to pull one seedling and bring up whole seedling seedlings. Lack of seedlings.

6, sowing depth

(1) sowing too deep. Long time of emergence, consumption of nutrients, seedling thin and thin after emergence.

(2) sowing too shallow. The spring wind is windy and the surface soil is prone to drought. If the soil moisture is good, it will be easy to emerge early. If the soil moisture is poor, the fully water-absorbing seeds will emerge early, the semi-absorbent seeds will lose water, and the seedlings will not emerge. After rain (irrigation) emerged.

(3) Different seeding depths. Some emerged early, some emerged late, the emergence of early emergence of large seedlings, the emergence of seedlings late formation of seedlings, emergence of seedlings bully seedlings, the final seedlings grow into weak plants, weak spikelets or empty stalks.

7, soil moisture

(1) Sorghum seeding. Hand-knead into a group, naturally falling into pieces, the general soil moisture content of 12% to 15%. Astragalus sowing due to lack of soil moisture, seedlings after sowing difficulties, resulting in lack of seedlings broken ridge.

(2) Uneven mood. Due to poor quality of soil preparation or unevenness of the land, the unevenness of dryness and wetness resulted in different seedling emergence.

(3) Sorghum sowing. Hand into a group, not broken naturally after landing. The general soil moisture content is 20%~24%. Sorghum seeding due to soil moisture, lower ground temperature, slow seedling emergence, often lead to seed mildew, weak seedlings or due to the formation of a seeding operation deadlock affect the emergence of seedlings.

8, fertilization method

(1) Pay attention to nitrogen fertilizer, lightly consider potassium fertilizer, neglect farmer fertilizer, and pay attention to the use of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

(2) Fertilizers are applied to the surface of the soil and the loss of volatile fertilizer is serious.

(3) Reduce the number of fertilization times (one bombardment), resulting in defertilization of maize at later stages of fertility.

9. Application of herbicides

(1) Indiscriminate use of herbicides. Produce phytotoxicity.

(2) Do not follow the instructions with the concentration. Either it will not achieve herbicidal action or cause phytotoxicity.

(3) Throw the package: cause pollution of water sources, pollute the soil and affect the growth of other crops.

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