Preventive Ebola vaccine phase I clinically positive results

Preventive Ebola vaccine phase I clinically positive results

April 26, 2016 Source: Bio Valley

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Recently, Ebola vaccine clinical trials have made new breakthroughs. The data showed that after the vaccination, 100% of clinical subjects showed Ebola early antibody positive reaction, and the autoimmune response lasted for 8 months. The project is hosted by the Oxford Vaccine Research Group of the Department of Pediatrics at Oxford University and is conducted in the UK.

The Ebola vaccine was developed by Janssen and the vaccine giant, Bavarian Nordic. The active component of the vaccine was discovered in a collaborative study with the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

For this phase I clinical good news, Johnson & Johnson chief scientist Paul Stoffels said: If the experimental foundation-enhanced vaccine is approved, it will be a major breakthrough in the global Ebola epidemic prevention.

The vaccine is developed mainly by two technical means:

1. AdVac vaccine technology of Crusen Holland BV, a subsidiary of Janssen;

Second, Bavarian Nordic's MVA-BN vaccine technology.

In this clinical trial, a healthy subject is first vaccinated with a basal vaccine to activate the subject's own immune system. Then, a booster vaccine is vaccinated to accelerate the body's immune response, and finally the duration of the immune response is used as a test indicator. Currently, basic-boost vaccines are a frequently used strategy for many infectious disease vaccines.

In the study, most subjects were randomized, single-blind, and received either a vaccine or a placebo. Another group of subjects participated in the open-label test and received a vaccination.

In a randomized trial, 97% of subjects tested Ebola virus antibody positive 4 weeks after the base vaccine (AdVac vaccine) injection, and more than half of the subjects produced Ebola-specific T cells autologously. To validate the basal-boost vaccine regimen, the subject was then given a booster vaccine (MVA-BN vaccine) at a fixed time. Upon detection, on the 21st day of the booster vaccine, Ebola-specific antibodies were produced in 100% of the subjects, and 79%-100% of the subjects produced T cell responses, and the T cell response intensity and the time interval between the two immunizations. related.

Ebola-specific antibodies in 100% of subjects last 8 months

It is noteworthy that 8 months after vaccination alone, 100% of the subjects were positive for Ebola-specific antibodies; 8 months after basal-boost vaccine (AdVac/MVA-BN), 77%-80% Subjects continue to produce T cells induced by the vaccine.

The most common adverse reactions of the vaccine include: pain at the injection site, fever, etc., in which fever can be relieved within 24-48 hours.

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