Before spring cucumber, most of them are autumn vegetables or spring dishes and winter vegetables, and the latter is suitable for a variety of autumn vegetables. Summer cucumber is suitable for all kinds of spring and summer dishes. It is suitable for winter vegetables or spring dishes. Cucumber and tomato inhibit each other and should not be cropped and interplanted.
Tomatoes should not be used in conjunction with solanaceous crops. Former crops include various leafy vegetables and root vegetables. The latter can also be leafy vegetables and root vegetables, or intercropping with short stalk crops or vegetables, such as edamame, cabbage, bulb anise, onion and garlic. Intersecting between. Fall shed tomato nesting dishes can reduce the temperature. Interplanting sweet corn in tomato can attract moths to lay eggs and eliminate them collectively.
Should not be connected with Solanaceae crops, and leafy vegetables, root vegetables, peanuts and other short stalk crop intercropping.
Beans, peas, peas, sweet beans, legume beans, and other legumes should not be used as continuous crops. The former crops fall or fall and winter vegetables or open fields, and open-grain vegetables, rice, corn, peanuts, and other food crops can be used as fore crops, including in our province. The northern region is especially suitable for intercropping with high stalk crops.
Autumn and winter radish gargle more than melons, solanaceous vegetables, beans is appropriate, early spring radish mouthwash for spinach, celery, cabbage, autumn lettuce and carrots; seasons radish can be set apart with pumpkins.
Onions are good forerunner crops for autumn fruits and vegetables. They can be intercropped with tomatoes, wax gourd and other melons and fruits, or they can be planted with lettuce, radishes, dwarf beans, bulbs, fennel and eggplant.
The green onions are most likely to avoid continuous cropping, requiring more than three years of rotation and rotation with food crops to cultivate Chinese cabbage and melon vegetables using green onions. Pre-mature radishes during the growth of green onions, late interplanting spinach and other winter crops are very effective.
The most direct bounty, or with other Allium planting. The seeds of autumn sowing garlic are best for the early-maturing kidney beans, melons, solanes, and potatoes; the spring sowing of garlic is best for autumn beans, melons, pumpkins and eggplants; it is a good forerunner of other crops.
Chinese cabbage
Cabbage can be rotated with rice, not continuous cropping and rotation with other cruciferous crops. In the rotation: (1) choose the vegetables that harvested earlier, such as solanaceous fruit; (2) choose vegetables that are more fertilized before the election, such as cucumbers and watermelons; (3) onions and garlic as the former, can reduce pests and diseases. Cabbage was planted on the leeks or in the garlic ridge, and the disease was significantly reduced.
The former crop is dominated by melons and beans. Avoid continuous cropping. The open field cultivation can be intertwined with corn and other high-stalk crops, and can be intercropped with tomatoes, cucumbers, rack beans, and other elevated vegetables.
Leeks are most suitable for intercropping with early maturing vegetables (houses or greenhouses) of eggplant, melons and legumes.
Former crops are suitable for onions, garlic, cucumber, followed by cereal crops and soybeans. It is not appropriate to rotate with root vegetables. When interplanting with other crops, attention should be paid to: (1) selecting early-maturing and plant-dwarf varieties; (2) symbiosis should be shortened as much as possible, and product organs should be staggered during the peak period.
In the autumn, it is best to tope the tomato and cucumber. The spring leeks are best served with garlic, avoid continuous cropping.
Lotus root
Roti, rice rotation, after the early harvest can be planted watercress, arrowhead mushroom, pot, watercress. Lotus roots are often made with alternate mushrooms, oysters, and oysters, or between white and white.
The former is wintering leafy vegetables, and can also be interplanted with early growth cabbage, early cabbage, spring radish, water radish, cherry radish, and other short-growing vegetables, and can be used to plant autumn vegetables such as Chinese cabbage.
Dried fruit products as the name implies, dried fruit products are pre-treated fruits after selection, washing and dehydration to the water content of 15 ~ 25% products. The volume of dried fruit is about 11 ~ 31% of that of Fresh Fruit, and the weight is about 10 ~ 25% of that of fresh fruit, so it can significantly save the cost of packaging, storage and transportation, and it is easy to eat and carry. Common dried fruits are raisins, red dates, dried mango, dried kiwi, dried strawberry and so on.
Dried Fruit,Dried Mango,Raisins,Red Dates,Dried Kiwi,Dried Strawberry
Xi'an Gawen Biotechnology Co., Ltd ,