Development of orders for sweet potato production, after the sale of fresh potato tuber qualified products, will inevitably produce a large number of by-products - sweet potato Teng, unqualified sweet potato roots, etc., many of these by-products can be used for silage, solve winter and spring feed depletion, to expand the livestock Poultry farming. Therefore, we will introduce the production methods and applications of silage as follows for reference by breeders:
Silage is a method in which fresh green fodder is chopped into a sealed container and is fermented by microorganisms to produce a juicy, nutritious, nutritious feed. It can preserve the characteristics of green and succulent feeds for a long period of time, expand the feed resources, and ensure the balanced supply of green and succulent livestock. Silage has the advantages of odor, acidity, soft and juicy, yellowish-green color and good palatability. It can preserve the nutritional characteristics of green feed, and the green feed is preserved under sealed anaerobic conditions because it is not affected by the sun and rain. It is also not affected by mechanical losses; during the storage process, the oxidative decomposition effect is weak, and the loss of nutrients is small, generally not exceeding 10%. According to experiments, the loss of nutrients during the drying of green food into hay is generally 20% to 40%. Per kilogram of sweetpotato silage dry matter contains up to 94.7mg of carotene, while in the natural drying of dried vines, only 2.5mg per kilogram of dry matter. According to the determination, the nutritional value of the whole plant corn silage produced in the same unit area of ​​cultivated land is 30% to 50% higher than the nutritional value of the corn grain plus dried corn stalk produced.
(A) The advantages of silage
1. Silage can preserve the nutritional characteristics of green feed;
2. Four-year supply of livestock green and juicy feed;
3. Digestive, good palatability;
4. Silage has a large storage volume per unit volume (1m3 silage weight is 450-700kg, including 150kg dry matter, while 1m3 hay weight is only 70kg, about 60kg dry matter);
5. Silage is easy to modulate and can expand feed resources;
6. It can purify the feed and protect the environment (silage can kill pathogens and eggs in green feed and destroy the regenerative ability of weed seeds, thereby reducing the harm to livestock, poultry and crops).
(B) Silage principle: Silage is the use of lactic acid bacteria in the green feed, under the anaerobic conditions of the feed for fermentation, so that part of the feed sugar into lactic acid, so that the pH of silage reduced to 4.2 or less to inhibit Other aerobic microorganisms such as molds, spoilage bacteria and other reproductive growth, so as to achieve the purpose of long-term storage of green feed. The mechanism of silage fermentation is a complex microbial activity and biochemical change process. The key to the success or failure of silage is whether it can meet the three conditions for growth and reproduction of lactic acid bacteria: an anaerobic environment, enough sugar in the raw material, and appropriate water content, all three are indispensable. In order to ensure an anaerobic environment, after harvesting, the green material should be cut, packed, compacted and sealed in a short period of time as much as possible, which is a prerequisite for maintaining low temperatures and creating anaerobic conditions. The shortening is convenient for compaction, the compaction is for the elimination of air, and the sealing is for the insulation of the air. Otherwise, if there is air, the plant cells will continue to breathe continuously, and the temperature of the cellar will rise, which will not only be conducive to the breeding of miscellaneous bacteria, but also cause a large loss of nutrients. In order to ensure the proliferation of lactic acid bacteria, there must be an appropriate sugar content.
(C) to create anaerobic environment: In order to create a good anaerobic growth conditions for lactic acid bacteria, raw materials must be cut short, packed compaction, well sealed silo. The purpose of shortening silage material is to facilitate compact packing, easy access, ease of feeding for livestock, and reduction of waste. At the same time, when the raw material is chopped or crushed, silage can easily make the plant cells ooze out of the juice, wet the surface, and the sugars flow out and attach to the surface of the raw material, which is favorable for the propagation of lactic acid bacteria. The degree of shortening should be determined according to the nature of raw materials and the needs of livestock and poultry. For cattle and sheep, fine stem plants such as grasses, leguminous grasses, grassy grasses, sweet potato vines, and young corn seedlings are cut into 3 to 4 cm long. Can; For thick stem plants or rough plants such as corn, sunflower, etc., cut into 2 ~ 3cm is more appropriate. Leafy vegetables and young plants can also be cut short silage. For pigs and poultry, all kinds of silage materials should be cut as short as possible and finer or beating silage is better. After the raw material is chopped and silaged, it is easily packed and compacted to discharge the air in the pit. Otherwise, there will be too much air in the cellar, a large number of aerobic bacteria breeding, strong oxidation, temperature rise (up to 60 °C), decomposition of sugar in silage, Vitamin destruction, protein digestion rate. Generally, the raw material is packed and compacted with proper silage. The fermentation temperature is about 30°C, and the maximum is not more than 38°C. The faster the charging process of silage, the better. This can shorten the exposure time of raw materials in the air, reduce the loss caused by plant cell respiration, and also avoid aerobic bacteria from multiplying. Immediately after the cellar is packed, the anaerobic environment is created, resulting in rapid propagation of lactic acid bacteria and accumulation of lactic acid, ensuring the quality of silage.
(4) Sugar content of raw materials: The minimum required sugar content is calculated based on the buffering degree of the feed, that is, the minimum sugar requirement (%) of the feed = the feed buffer degree 1.7. In general, the forage grass crops and forage grasses have high sugar content and are easily silage; the leguminous feed crops and forage grasses have low sugar content and are difficult to silage. The raw materials for easy silage include corn (26.80% sugar content), sorghum, grasses, sweet potato vines (23.66% sugar content), pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke, sunflower, turnip, and cabbage. Raw materials that are difficult to sile include alfalfa, clover, alfalfa, soybeans, peas, milk vetch, potato stems and leaves, and can only be successfully mixed with other silage-prone raw materials or added with carbohydrate-rich feed or silage.
(5) Controlling the moisture content of raw materials: The suitable moisture content of silage is 65% to 75%. When legume grass is used as a raw material, its water content is preferably 65% ​​to 70%. If the water content is too high, then the sugar is over-dilution, not suitable for the propagation of lactic acid bacteria; when the water content is too low, the silage should not be compressed, there is too much residual air, and mold and other bacteria breed and spread, resulting in higher heat. Will make the feed brown, reduce the digestibility of the protein, resulting in raw materials silage corruption, and even the possibility of fire.
A simple way of judging the moisture content of silage raw materials is to: shred the shredded raw materials, and then naturally loosen the hand, if it still maintains a spherical shape, the hand has a wet seal, its moisture content is 68% to 75%; if the grass ball slowly expands The hand is not wet-printed, and its moisture content is 60% to 67%, suitable for legume silage silage; if the hand is released, the grass ball expands immediately, its moisture content is below 60%, and it is only suitable for young pastures and low moisture. Silage. If the water content is high, it can be stored for a day after harvesting.
If the moisture content of the silage material is insufficient, fresh water can be added.
(6) The maturity and quality identification of silage: silage materials can generally be taken out after 4 to 6 weeks of fermentation. The silage quality appraisal methods are field assessment and laboratory assessment. The most commonly used is the on-site assessment method. From the sensory point of view, good silage is yellow-green, shiny, near the primary color, with a sour taste or slightly pungent sour taste, tight structure, moist, stem veins remain the same, clear, Easy to separate. Poor silage, yellow, brown and dark green, has a special pungent rancid or rotten taste, rot, sludge, texture sticky or dry, agglomeration, structure is unclear.
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