Current mid-late field management issues of double-season rice

The first is the scientific management of water, rooting down. Drying fields should be moderate, and the number of seedlings with too many seedlings and dark green leaves can be re-sunshine. Other fields can be exposed to light and many sun drying. After rehydration, we adhere to the principle of “mainly managing water, adjusting water and regulating water, and balancing water and gas” and scientifically control water so that wet booting, water heading, dry and wet alternate grouting of strong seeds, avoid water cutoff prematurely, and prevent premature aging. In the later stage, the water should be dry and wet and wet. Generally, only the horse water is fed and no water layer is left. It is necessary to keep the soil moist, increase the oxygen in the soil, improve the ecological environment of the root system, and enhance the vitality of the root system.

The second is a reasonable fertilization, increase grain preservation. Has been applied to the manure and the small group of plots, in the early stage of young panicle differentiation, seize the key opportunity to rehydration after drying, according to the growing population of crop fields apply ear panicle fertilizer, usually Mushi urea 2-3 kg plus potash 4 - 5 kg. During the flower filling stage, Qiao applied fertilizer, generally 2-3 kg of urea or 0.5-1.0 kg of urea plus potassium dihydrogen phosphate 150-200 g watered to 50-100 kg for foliar spraying to prevent premature aging and promote grain filling. mature.

The third is to move forward and control the rule. Focus on the prevention and control of rice planthoppers, rice leaf roller, rice blast, sheath blight and other migratory, epidemic pests and diseases. Scientific use of pharmaceuticals, timely implementation of unified defense rule. The prevention and control of rice planthoppers was highlighted after the pre-pressing control, and the pesticides such as fenthrin, pymetrozine and nitenpyram were used to spray at the peak of young nymphs to prevent the occurrence of outbreaks at the earliest stage; locusts and rice leaf roll螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟 螟. Rice smut and rice blast disease focus on prevention measures before breakage and heading date; sheath blight focus on prevention and control during the flood season and jointing period, try to use high-level single dose, avoid the use of high levels of compound, prevent The emergence of drug resistance, improve control efficiency.

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