No-tillage, no-tillage, water-saving, drought-tolerant, yield-increasing

Dry winter drought, long rainfall. A few days ago, the reporter saw in Shijiao Town, Shijia Town, Zhongjiang District, Neijiang City. Under the guidance of the town’s scientific and technical commissioner, the villagers learned the “no-tillage cultivation techniques without paddy fields that are time- and labor-saving and increase production”.

Yu Jiansheng's technician introduced that no paddy-free tillage is not absolute waterless, meaning that there is no impoundment in the surface of the car and the ditch, and the soil has a certain degree of moisture. After sufficient fertilization, the surface of the car is directly covered with membranes and perforated. It is similar to rice coating. The no-tillage no-tillage technique is suitable for use in areas farther and more arid than water sources.

save money

Seemingly covered with a lot of expenses, it is not. The mulch is intensively purchased by the town's agricultural service center. The government subsidizes it a bit, and the peasants have a little bit of a solution. After the peasants purchase the mulch, they only need 35 yuan/mu. Secondly, each year, drought-resistant towns organize water pumping, water diversion, and water diversion. It takes a lot of money to invest in labor, electricity, and maintenance machines.

There are endless conflicts among farmers because of water struggles, and no paddy fields without tillage cultivation techniques avoid these complicated procedures and unnecessary conflicts, and save more financial expenses. No-tillage cultivation in paddy fields adopts rational fertilization and formula fertilization, which can save 20% of the fertilizer in one acre, and is not easy to lose. The fertilizer can be used to the maximum extent.


Before the film is covered, a sufficient amount of fertilizer is applied without the need for repeated fertilization; after the film is covered, it can reduce the evaporation of water and inhibit the growth of weeds. Compared to conventional flooding cultivation techniques, there is no need to spend much time on human care and management.

Early harvest

The temperature in the cabin after the film is covered is high, and the moisture is maintained. The rice can mature about 10 days in advance.

Increase production

Without paddy field cultivation, the general yield is 1400 kg/mu, which is 300 kg/mu higher than that of conventional flooding cultivation. The money saved by arable land, sprinkler irrigation and fertilization can be increased by more than 400 yuan per mu.

It is reported that last year Shijiao Town Zizhong Village pilot planted more than 20 acres, this year the town has promoted the cultivation of 200 acres, involving Shiti Village, Gantianwan Village, Niuqiao Village, is expected to reach 300 acres this year, accounting for the town's rice planting area 10%.




Shenzhen Sunshine Technology Co.,Ltd ,

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