To increase the milk production of dairy cows, yak cultivation is the foundation and the key. Therefore, it is very important to cultivate yak.
1. Strengthen the management of breeding and adult cattle. Genetic and living conditions are the preconditions for the growth and development of yaks. First, they select excellent bulls. Second, they provide reasonable feeding and management during pregnancy to ensure the normal nutritional needs of cows during pregnancy so as to guarantee the production of healthy calves.
2. Feed colostrum. The yak should give enough colostrum after giving birth. The so-called colostrum is the milk within 5 to 7 days after giving birth. The following points are beneficial to the feeding of colostrum:
1 The stomach of the newborn calf is empty, and the mucosa of the fourth stomach and intestinal wall is weak against bacteria. Colostrum has special functions. He can cover the stomach wall and intestinal wall and prevent bacteria from entering the bloodstream.
2 When colostrum enters the stomach, it can stimulate the stomach to secrete a large amount of digestive enzymes, so that early gastrointestinal function.
3 colostrum has a laxative effect, can promote the meconium steak meconium.
4 The initial lactate level is relatively high, such as stomach can increase acidity in the stomach to kill bacteria in the stomach.
5 Colostrum contains more nutrients than regular milk. Drinking colostrum can meet the nutritional needs of the rapid growth and development of calves in the first year of life.
6 Colostrum contains maternal immune proteins that can be passed to calves after drinking to enhance the immune resistance of calves.
Colostrum configuration method: 750 ml of regular milk, add 2 to 3 eggs, 10 grams of salt, 15 grams of cod liver oil, stir, heated to 38 °C.
3. Change the feed type at the right time. The growth and development of digestive organs within the first year of life of calves is fastest, and the type of feed has a great influence on digestive organs. New calves only allow them to drink milk within 20 to 30 days, after which they can feed some concentrates properly. 30 to 40 days can be added. The calves are allowed to eat some grass or high quality hay freely, and weaning usually takes about two months.
Pigments are raw materials that impart a certain color. People often choose products by sight, touch, smell and other senses, and pigment is an important part of vision, so whether the pigment is used properly also plays a decisive role in the quality of the product. (1) Synthetic pigments Food pigments are called synthetic pigments from chemical synthesis. (2) Inorganic pigments Commonly used inorganic pigments include iron oxide, carbon black, chrome oxide green, etc. They have good light resistance and are insoluble in water. (3) Natural pigments Commonly used natural pigments include annatto, cochineal, chlorophyll, curcumin and chlorophyll, etc.
Food Color,Green Food Dye,Green Food Coloring,Sunset Red,blue color