The key to raising the efficiency of breeding rabbits

(I) Appropriate feeding scales Rabbit breeding requires more large-scale production, low cost, and high efficiency are the issues most concerned to farmers. In terms of the output per unit of rabbit species, there is a tendency to gradually decrease with the increase of basic female turtles. In the small rabbit farm (part-time type), the basic female rabbit has the highest efficiency of 30 to 50, and the basic female rabbit of the medium-sized rabbit farm has about 300 to 500 base scales. (II) Implementation of the "two. Three incomes. Four promotion" supporting technologies to broaden the sources of feed and reduce the cost of raising turtles are prerequisites for raising the economic benefits of rex rabbit breeding. In the production of reimbursement, "two, three, four The promotion of comprehensive breeding technology can significantly increase the economic benefits of breeding rabbits. 1. Two kinds: A pasture, from a variety of artificial pasture, select high yield, good palatability, protein, vitamins and minerals rich in pine cone herb, ryegrass, Mexican corn for planting. These grasses are artificially cultivated, managed, and have strong disease resistance and high yield. They are suitable for the development of rabbits. The second is the use of herbicides to prevent and treat the disease of the turfgrass. It is used to grow Chinese herbal medicines such as Pueraria lobata and honeysuckle. It is used as an additive for turtles to provide nutrients and to regulate the body's immunity. 2. The three plants are called the owe refers to timely harvesting of artificial pasture, fresh feed or sun dried storage, prevent mildew deterioration. The second collection is the timely collection of various weeds, leaves, crops, etc., and artificial pasture with a reasonable price to complete feed. Sansei collects the local common herbs and regularly adds them to feed to prevent the occurrence of turtle disease. 3. IV. Promotion: Firstly, to promote the phased feed for Rex rabbits, prepare and adjust the phased feed formulation according to the nutritional requirements and different seasonal variations of Rex rabbits in different growth stages. The second is to promote the timing of the slaughter of skin, according to the rabbit growth law and fur quality determination, weighing 1.75 kg or more, health, hair replacement period has passed, the fur can be slaughtered for long skin. The third is to promote the timely weaning, pardoning timely weaning and weaning growth rate, survival rate is proportional to. Usually 40-50 days of weaning, the survival rate is above 90%. The fourth is to promote the appropriate breeding density. Breeding density of breeding rabbits is related to the breeding years of rabbits and the quality of their offspring. Generally, breeding is carried out around the age of 28 days after breeding. The breeding season is 6-7 years, and each female has an annual output of 35 eggs. Above, scientific feeding methods and management models will surely receive good economic benefits. China Agricultural Network Editor

Tuna Canned

Zhoushan City Shuangying Aquatic Products Co., Ltd.   ,

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