A new mechanism for immune system "brake" molecular regulation was discovered
November 30, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily Author: Wang
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As part of the body's immune system, T cells can eliminate mutant cells in the body and prevent tumors from occurring. However, some tumor cells activate the PD-1 molecule to "brake" the immune system, avoiding the killing of T cells, leading to the development of tumors. Clinically, antibody drugs that block the PD-1 pathway can restore the patient's own anti-tumor immune function and achieve the purpose of treating tumors. However, why PD-1 is so "active" in the tumor microenvironment has plagued scientists.
The Xu Yiqi team has been working on the regulation of T cell function. They found that PD-1 has a rapid degradation process in normal T cells, which plays a key role in the protein molecule FBXO38. FBXO38 can add a label that mediates degradation to PD-1. PD-1 with degradation label will be sent to the recovery field of the cell, the proteasome, to ensure that PD-1 maintains normal levels. Affect the function of T cell function. However, in T cells "surrounded" by tumors, FBXO38 is "active" to a low level, which may result in PD-1 not being normally degraded, and T cells are therefore "trapped" by PD-1, which should be degraded. The tumor immune response is inhibited.
The study sheds light on the new regulatory mechanisms of PD-1, an important drug target, which helps researchers better understand tumor immune responses and design new methods for tumor immunotherapy.
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