The reporter learned from the University of Suzhou on the 6th that the "Key Technology Research on Stem Cell Therapy for Clinical Transformation of Cardiovascular Diseases" completed by Professor Shen Zhenya of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery of the First Affiliated Hospital of the University won the first prize of the 2017 China Medical Science and Technology Award. The technical plan has won the consensus of the Chinese Medical Association stem cell treatment of heart disease experts, and has become the "gold standard" for the domestic use of stem cells in clinical treatment of heart disease.
At present, there are 11 million patients with coronary heart disease and 4.5 million patients with heart failure, and the number is increasing year by year. Coronary heart disease, dilated cardiomyopathy, severe valvular disease, and end-stage can cause heart failure due to ischemic necrosis of cardiomyocytes. At the same time, heart transplantation has problems such as lack of donors, long-term use of anti-rejection drugs and high medical expenses, and stem cell transplantation is also faced with different cell types and quality requirements, stem cells that are infused into the heart by conventional methods, and lack of specifications for clinical application of stem cells. The efficacy after transplantation lacks accurate assessment methods and many other bottlenecks.
Professor Shen Zhenya team invented the "seed" cells for the treatment of heart disease - the preparation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells by studying stem cell surface antigens, and internationally took the lead in the treatment of "seed" cells with insulin-like growth factors. The ability to tolerate hypoxia and repair the myocardium; also use the exosomes secreted by the "seed" cells to be transplanted into the heart together to enhance the therapeutic effect of the transplant.
At the same time, the team effectively reinforces the retention and survival of stem cells in the heart by remodeling the acute myocardial microenvironment of myocardial infarction and injecting stem cells with self-developed biodegradable biohydrogels into the myocardial infarction area. . For patients with old myocardial infarction who need to bypass, the researchers injected the stem cell suspension from the bridge blood vessels into the coronary artery, so that the stem cells have more time to stay in the heart tissue and quickly participate in the repair of necrotic myocardial tissue. Studies have shown that the combined method is more effective than simple bypass therapy.
In 2003, the stem cell transplantation technology was successfully applied in the clinic in China. A total of 135 cases of stem cell transplantation were completed, and 83.3% of the patients showed significant improvement in symptoms and a significant improvement in quality of life. In 2012, the team completed the clinical trial of stem cell therapy for myocardial infarction approved by the State Food and Drug Administration, and established a set of technical programs such as stem cell culture, patient scope, standardized transplantation, heart function change detection after transplantation, and stem cell efficacy evaluation system. . (Technology Daily)
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