Due to seasons, age, nutrition, and disease, rabbit hair will fall off and grow new hair in the same place. This process is known as molting. Animal hair exchange is a complex biological process, and the hair follicle structure changes significantly during the hair replacement period. The old hairy nipple began to shrink, the blood supply stopped, and the hair bulb cells began to keratinize. At the same time, under the old hair, new hair papillae were developed and new hair bulbs formed, along with the new hair bulb cells. Proliferate and form new hair. Normal hair replacement should be regarded as an adaptation of meat rabbits to the external environment. Hair replacement can be divided into age-based and seasonal hair replacement. 1. Age-based hair replacement mainly occurs in young rabbits and young rabbits. Infancy begins with the first gross contract starting at the age of 30 days and ending at the age of 100 days. At this time, it is economical if meat rabbits, skin and flesh rabbits can be slaughtered and listed, because the hair is mature and the quality of the fur is best, and later Weight gain slows. The second period of hair is changed during the rearing period, starting at 130 days and ending at 190 days. 2. Seasonal hair replacement means that when the rabbit enters adulthood, the hair should be changed twice a year, that is, in the spring and in the fall. The morning and evening of the nap time and the length of the hair replacement period are affected by many factors. For example, the lighting, temperature, age, gender, health status, and nutrition level in different regions all affect the rabbit's seasonal hair replacement. In the spring, the hair replacement is generally between March and March. The hair replacement time is short and the hair exchange is fast. Therefore, the light changes from short sunshine to long sunshine, and the temperature changes from cold to warm to hot. The metabolism of the skin's hair follicles is very strong. Increased green feeds and high nutritional levels. Autumnal hair replacement lasts from September to October. It takes a long time for hair replacement. Therefore, when the light changes from long sunshine to short sunshine, the temperature gradually decreases, and the amount of roughage in the feed increases, nutrition is poor, and new hair grows slowly. . Therefore, attention should be paid to adding protein-rich feed in the fall. The sequence of hair removal begins with the back of the neck, followed by the back of the torso, and then extends to the side of the body and the buttocks. However, the neck hair is continuously replaced in summer. China Agricultural Network Editor