1 The rational selection of breeding roosters for the selection of breeding roosters is equally important, regardless of whether it is natural mating for flat raising or artificial insemination for cage culture. The selection of the original breeder rooster was based on its pedigree source, the assessment results of the production performance of the immediate and collateral relatives, the measurement results of the descendants' quality, the individual's body condition scores, and the family's death penalties and other valid and reliable statistical data. . Therefore, the choice of a type of rooster is more reliable. In the chickens reared in the ancestral and parental breeder farms. Because there is no data that can be used as a reference for selection, it is only possible to select the species based on the external state and health of the rooster at different stages. The first stage of seed selection: After hatching and hatching for male and female identification, the young male chicks with obvious genital development, liveliness and good health are selected for retention. The second stage of seed selection: When the cockerel brooding reaches about 6-8 weeks of age, the second selection of the rooster is performed. The main choices are those with larger body weight, bright red crown, normal development of the keel (without bending), and disease-free chicken legs. The untwisted cock of the toes is used as a quasi-species cock, and the appearance is defective, such as the sternum, the bending of the legs or tendons, the drooping of the hernia sac, the cyst in the chest, and the bending of the sternum. Roosters that are underweight and discriminating between male and female should also be eliminated. The ratio of male and female elections is 1:8-1:10. The third stage of seed selection: at 17-18 weeks of age (the broiler breeder can be postponed for 1 week), the selected body weight in the quasi-species cock group meets the strain standard, and the body weight is within the standard deviation within the average group weight Rooster. Choosing to keep the cocks of meat with large development and bright red color, good feather growth, good body development, soft abdomen, and sexual reactions during massage, such as: turning anus, erector and erection, such cocks are expected to be better in the future The viability and fertility, the proportion of male and female elected to stay in the ratio of 1:10 to l:15 (natural mating), such as artificial insemination ratio of 1:15-120. The fourth stage of seed selection (mainly used for artificial insemination of breeder farms): At 20 weeks of age (medium-type laying hens and meat type can be delayed 1 to 2 weeks), mainly based on semen quality and weight retention. Usually, the new cock is massaged for about 7 days to form conditioned reflexes. The proportion of males and females remaining in the election can reach 1:20-1:30: at 21-22 weeks of age, about 90% of the roosters' massage and ejaculation responses are excellent and good, while about 10% are poorly responded and discharged. Roosters with little or no precision shall continue to provide supplementary training for such roosters. After a period of time, only a few should be eliminated, accounting for about 3%-5% of the total amount. If breeder farms are to be artificially inseminated throughout the year, 15%-20% of the reserve cockerels should be used to supplement the new cocks. During the selection process, the cock should be eliminated if the body weight is too small, the development of the cocks is not obvious, the keel is bent, the cysts are on the chest, the thoracic tendons, the zygomatics, the diseases on the legs, the toes are defective or disabled, and there is no sexual reaction. 2 Reasonable use of breeder roosters. In addition to the original breeding farm, in order to make full use of excellent rooster with high breeding value and extend its useful life, the breeding rooster in the ancestral generation field and the parent's generation farm uses the same production cycle as the hen. All-in all-out system. Sometimes, due to production needs, artificial cocoon moulting is performed on breeder flocks, but it should be noted that cock cocks cannot be coerced moultarily, otherwise fertilization rates will be affected. Two-age hens are best to mate or artificially inseminate with young cocks to ensure a high fertility rate. The use of breeding cockerels for artificial insemination depends on factors such as the proportion of males and females, the size of the flock, the quality of the semen, and the manpower arrangement. There are fewer cocks, more hens, or poor quality cockerels, the number of cockerels picking will increase, and the amount of manpower needed will also increase. It should be noted that the frequency of ejaculation has a certain influence on the ejaculation and sperm concentration of the cock. But without affecting sperm viability and fertilization rate, the amount of cock ejaculate was highest when the sperm was collected once a day, and the sperm concentration was highest in cock semen used once a week. The age of rooster and hen has influence on fertility. Only when the male and female are in the same sexual activity can they have a higher fertility rate. If the hen's egg production rate is very low, the fertilization rate will not be. high. The egg production of hens declines with age. The egg production is highest in the first year, 15% to 25% in the second year, and 25% to 35% in the third year; the useful life is 1-2 In the year, excellent hens in the breeding farm can use 2-3 years.
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