The disease is mainly caused by a gastrointestinal infection caused by Salmonella typhimurium and Salmonella enteritidis. Occasionally Salmonella pullorum can be isolated. [Pathogen] The newly isolated strain is O. ovale; the morphology is different in different environments; Gram-negative, no decidua, no spores; is an aerobic and anaerobic bacteria; this is a bacterial resistance Medium, of which Salmonella typhimurium has the strongest resistance. Salmonella enteritidis has the weakest resistance; this strain can produce toxins and cause food poisoning in humans; this strain is an animal intestinal parasite, especially rats and other rodents. In feces, natural infections are mainly in the digestive tract, but young animals are also infected in the uterus or in the umbilical cord; in addition, endogenous infections may occur in infected carriers with changes in internal and external conditions; inadequate feed, poor management Poor hygiene conditions and other diseases can promote the occurrence and spread of the disease. [Symptoms and Lesions] The incubation period of this disease is 1 day. Except for a few sudden deaths, its clinical symptoms are usually diarrhea, increased body temperature, anorexia, and depression. If diarrhea occurs in young rabbits, it is mostly an acute process. Symptoms are severe and soon die. Adult rabbits may suffer long-term diarrhoea and eventually die due to weight loss and anemia. Vaginal mucous membranes in the female rabbits are congested and swollen, and mucus secretions often flow from the vagina. Rabbits are less likely to suffer from fetuses and pregnant rabbits are prone to abortions. The necropsy was mainly in the intestine and uterus. The intestinal mucosa was swollen and swollen. There were many miliary nodules and ulcers in the cecum and colon, especially in the condyle. The ulcer surface had yellow gel-like attachments; mesenteric lymph nodes were enlarged; Common necrosis points, splenomegaly, blunt edge thick, dark red; uterine wall thickening of pregnant rabbits, mucosal yellow-white cellulose attachments on bran, there are stillborn or dry fetus in the womb. [Diagnosis] According to the clinical symptoms and pathological changes, a preliminary diagnosis can be made. The diagnosis should be performed in the laboratory. [Prevention] Do a good job in sanitation and disinfection of rabbit farms and completely eliminate rats and flies. Once the disease is found, the diseased rabbits should be treated or culled immediately. The rabbit houses, rabbit cages and utensils should be completely sterilized with lime milk or caustic soda. Rabbits were censused by agglutination reaction, and positive rabbits were treated in time; negative rabbits could be made of inactivated vaccines and control epidemics by pathogens isolated from this field. The corpse of the meat rabbit that died of the disease must be buried or burned. [Treatment] Stop feeding the green and blue succulent feed, and only feed the humidity-controlled bran or rice bran, and the patient can take 3 ml of castor oil orally in a sturdy manner to speed up the elimination of intestinal sputum. Then, according to the drug sensitivity test, the corresponding drug is selected for treatment. 1 intramuscular injection of berberine, 2 ml of adult rabbits, 3 ml of young rabbits, 2 times a day, and then medication for 2 days after recovery. Adult rabbits were given oral chloramphenicol (2 mg or 23 mg sulfamethoxazole, 2 g yeast tablets, once daily for 1 consecutive day. Oral sulfathiazole or succinyl sulfathiazole, 2 g/kg body weight, 2 times daily; oral administration Furazolidone (flutriazolone), milligrams per kilogram of body weight, 2 times a day; oral administration of chloramphenicol powder, methamphetamine, oxytetracycline, 5 mg per kilogram of body weight, 2 times per day, garlic juice, 3 ml per day, 1 ml Times, even for 6 days.2 Huang Lianke, 2 grams of Astragalus, Phellodendron 5 grams, 6 grams of purslane, add water decoction, 2 times a day, each 5 ml.Portulaca oleracea 5 grams, plantain 6 grams, Fresh bamboo 3 grams, Houttuynia 5 grams, Jianshui seasoning clothing or its fresh grass.