Huang Guanli is the Shijiazhuang Orchard Research Institute of the Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences. It uses the early-ripening pear cultivar developed from the cross between Snowflake Pear and the new century. It has the advantages of early maturity, large fruit size, beautiful appearance, superior quality, and strong disease resistance. Shandong, Shanxi, and Shaanxi have developed rapidly. Its early fruits and high-quality cultivation techniques are as follows. 1 Improve the soil, fine planting In order to improve the survival rate of pear trees, promote the early growth of the seedlings, first plant the hole before transplanting soil for fertilization. Planting hole 1m square, dig the top soil and subsoil will be piled separately, first fill in the bottom of the hole 20--30cm thick topsoil (combined with organic fertilizer, will be mixed with fertilizer), and then planted seedlings into the hole, planting After the backfill is practical, enough water is poured. Fill the buds at 80cm or so and dry them. After drying, place a 50cm long plastic bag on the upper part of the trunk (5cm of growth space at the top) to maintain the water and promote early growth of the buds. At the same time, protect the buds and other food buds. . The bag is removed when the buds grow to 3--5 cm. Afterwards, each year, the method of trenching and soil fertilizing around the tree crown is adopted. After 3 to 4 years (a year), all the garden soil will be changed again to improve the soil. 2 Scientific Fertilization 2.1 Increasing Organic Fertilizers Base fertilizer is applied in September each year, mainly treated with high-quality chicken manure, supplemented with chopped crop stalks and appropriate amount of chemical fertilizers, and the fertilizing amount is 667 square meters 2500-- 3000kg (reduced by small trees), crop straw 500--800kg, urea and diammonium phosphate each 30--50kg, can be changed with the change of land. 2.2 Skillfully applying chemical fertilizer On the basis of re-using base fertilizer, apply chemical fertilizer into 20-30cm soil layer, then pour small water, or apply fertilizer into soil after irrigation. The benefits of shallow application of chemical fertilizers are not only beneficial to the absorption of shallow roots, but also preventing leaching of fat fractions. Before June, the main nitrogen fertilizers were applied before germination (mid-March mid-March) and long-term (long-term mid-May), with 0.25-0.5kg urea per plant (according to age and tree body). Size depends. In the 7-8 months of each year, spraying 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution every 3 days (days) or so is combined with 3 to 4 times to promote shoot ripening and flower bud differentiation. 3 Reasonable Intercropping to Improve Early-stage Benefits To make full use of the space and fertility in the orchards, intercropping was carried out when the 3-4a crowns of the saplings were small and the intercropping was dominated by sweet potatoes and soybeans. These crops had low growth heights and did not. Fruit trees compete for space, and the requirements for fertilizer and water are not strict, and symbiotic pests and diseases are also few. 4. Rejuvenating and boosting fruit Huang Guanli saplings have strong growth potential, high germination rate and branching force, and the saplings have the habit of head-growth and must properly control the tree vigor. The main measures are: 1 Control water to improve the situation. After planting 1--3a, according to soil moisture and precipitation conditions, timely irrigation of water, promote the growth of young trees. From the fourth year, control watering. Generally, after pouring enough frozen water last year, it will be watered from the end of April to the end of May in the second year. Other times will be watered 3 to 4 times depending on the situation. In this way, the trees are prosperous through proper drought control (in this period, the tree body has basically formed), promoting flowering and high yield. 2 pull branches to ease. For branches on saplings, pull the branches according to the situation, and pull the branches on the main side branch from the age of 2 to 3 years. The angle should be around 70. For the auxiliary branches, they should be leveled out when they are born in the 1- to 2-year period. Promote its germination in the short-term results. Because the saplings have the habit of growing on their heads, two pull branches are needed when necessary. The first pull branches open the base corners, and after 1–2a, the lumbar angles are pulled open. 3 ring peeling skin. This method is carried out on a 3--4a tree. For those overgrown trees, peel off about 5cm wide bark along the smooth main area under the first branch with a sharp knife when peeling from late May to mid-June. Then peel the skin and paste it. Return to the original place and wrap it with plastic cloth. After healing, untie the dressing. 5 The cultivation of a reasonable tree-shaped yellow crown pear can be used to improve the sparse layer of small crowns, also known as a single layer of a heart-shaped tree, is divided into 2 layers, leaving 3 - 4 main branches at the grassroots level, leaving 2 - 3 in the second layer Main branch or large result branch group, layer spacing 1.0--1.2m. One to two large- and medium-sized branch groups (auxiliary branches) can be left between layers and levelled. The upper main branch shows 1/3--1/2 of the lower main branch and the tree height is controlled at about 3m. The saplings are mainly lightly sheared and slow-released, and light shears are applied to the main lateral branches. Note that the affiliation is clear. In particular, attention is paid to avoid excessive peripheral branches, which results in the outward shift of the result area and the influence of ventilation and light transmission. Engraving, twisting, taking, etc. Slowly promote flowers and prevent baldness in the middle and rear branches. 6 Strictly sparse fruiting and fruiting Huang Guan pears have a high natural fruit setting rate under the conditions of adequate pollination varieties (each inflorescence can sit 3--4 fruits). In order to increase the fruit and increase the sugar content, the fruit must be thinned. Huangguan Pear is a large fruit type, leaving 1 inflorescence every 20cm when thinning and thinning fruit, leaving 1 - 2 fruits (mainly 1 fruit) per inflorescence, so that the single fruit weight can reach more than 250g, sugar content Up to 12%, the first-fruit rate increased significantly. 7 The fruit bagging is preferably a double paper bag, and the bagging time is preferably 45-60 days after flowering. Spray insecticides and bactericides before bagging, spray carefully and focus on spraying the fruits. 8 Diseases and Insect Pests Huang Guanli suffers less disease and is more resistant to spotted deciduous disease than black spot disease. Can be spent before flowering with 80% of the students "M-45" 800 - 1000 times the liquid, the growth of the late stage with 6% more than 1000--1500 times the amount of plough or 40% Fuxing 8000--15000 times and other control. Insect pests mainly include pear wood worms and yellow mealworms, which can be controlled by 1.8% Qi Qisu 5000--6000 times, 20% imidacloprid 2000--2500 times, and 5% high efficiency cypermethrin 1500--2000 times. In addition, attention should be paid to spraying 3-3-5 Baume degree lime sulfur after pruning in winter gardens and before germination. 9 The early maturing varieties of Huangguan Pear are mature and mature in Shijiazhuang, Hebei in mid-August. Pay attention not to harvest too late, otherwise prone to flesh softening, browning and other phenomena, is not conducive to fruit storage. China Agricultural Network Editor
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