West Indian cherry breeding method

West Indian cherries are evergreen shrubs, 10 to 12 years old plants up to 4.5 meters, leaves opposite, leathery smooth, obovate or oblong oval, petiole short, scattered inflorescence, fruit berry, the shape of cherries When the fruit matures, it is orange-red or purple-red, and its skin is thin and easily damaged. Its breeding method is:

After harvesting the West Indian cherry, the skin of the peel was cut to remove the core, and the pulp attached to the outside of the core was washed off with clean water, and then it was allowed to sow in the cool place for 1 to 2 days. When seeding, the core is sown directly in a shallow basin and the seeds can germinate 10 to 30 days after sowing. When the seedlings grow to 5 to 10 cm, they are transplanted into plastic soft pots. West Indian cherry seeds germinate easily, but their germination is not neat and some plants produce seeds that often lack viable embryos and have a germination rate of less than 30%.

The cuttings are selected from semi-mature and robust shoots during growth in spring and summer. The diameter is 0.7-1.2 cm, each section is 15-20 cm, and 4-6 leaves are attached, inserted in river sand, vermiculite, peat soil or several species. The mixture is suitable for the medium of seedbeds, and the cuttings must be kept moist and shaded. To promote hair rooting, rooting agent (IBA) treatment can be used. Rooting was made 1.5 to 2 months after cutting, and the roots grew vigorously before transplanting. If the cutting method is properly managed, it can have a survival rate of 60% to 90%.

The batten method can be wrapped in water in the spring in a circular peeling manner, and the plastic cloth is wrapped out and tightly bound up and down. After 8 months of soaking, the sour savory seeds had 80% rooting rate. After 3 months, the sweet scented seeds only showed healing tissue.

The above is the main breeding method for the West Indian cherry. Although the rooting method is easy to produce, the effects vary greatly between breeds, and the procedures for the large number of reproductions are more complicated, and are usually less frequently used; the actual age of the fruiting method is later and the quality of the seedlings varies greatly. . Therefore, the cutting method is generally used. This method is the simplest and most likely to succeed.

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