Temperature: Cucumber is fond of heat and cold, and its optimum growth temperature is 25°C-32°C. Plants freeze to death at 0°C-2°C, and may suffer freezing injury at 5°C-10°C. Exercise, can tolerate the low temperature of 3 °C; 10 °C -12 °C physiological activity disorders, growth is slow or stop birth. The optimum photosynthesis temperature is 25°C-32°C, and the assimilation yield and respiratory consumption are in equilibrium at about 35°C. Above 35°C, the respiratory depletion is greater than the photosynthetic yield, and the intracellular protoplasmic flow stops at 40°C-45°C. At 50°C, the respiration is almost stopped for 1 hour. At high temperature, the protoplasm agglutinates, and there is daily burning. At 60°C Only 5-6 minutes of tissue destruction and death.
The lowest germination temperature of cucumber seeds was 13°C, and the optimum germination temperature was 30°C. However, the germination rate decreased at 35°C.
The optimum temperature of cucumber root elongation was 32°C, and the maximum temperature was 38°C. Below 12°C, the physiological activity of root system was blocked, and the lowest ground temperature should not be lower than 15°C. Low night temperature, large temperature difference is conducive to female flower differentiation. Seedling during the day 30 °C -32 °C, night temperature 10 °C -14 °C, can reduce the formation of female flower nodes, increase the number of female flowers, reduce the formation of male flowers.
Moisture: Cucumbers are hi wet, afraid of earthworms, and not tolerant to drought. The relative water holding capacity of the soil is required to be 85% to 95%, and the air relative humidity is 80% during the day and 90% at night. The requirements for water in different development stages of cucumber are different. The germination period requires sufficient water, but it must not exceed 90% of the soil moisture content, so as to avoid rot. The water content should be properly controlled during the seedling stage and early flowering stage, and the soil moisture content should be maintained at about 80%. In order to prevent seedlings and legume roots; fruiting period because of its vegetative growth and reproductive growth simultaneously, the amount of water consumption, must be timely water supply, watering should be pouring water.
Illumination: Insufficient illumination during seedling raising results in long seedlings and difficulty in forming strong seedlings. Insufficient light during fruiting period can easily cause melons to grow. Under strong light, their photosynthetic efficiency is high, their growth is vigorous, and their yield is significantly increased. Under low light, the photosynthetic efficiency of the leaves is low, especially the photosynthetic ability of the lower leaves is weak, and the photosynthetic capacity is inhibited. Respiratory consumption is not weakened and the yield is reduced seriously. The yield after a typical day of dripping can be reduced by 1/3, and after a few cloudy days, there is almost no yield. If cloudy time is too long, it will bring serious consequences to cucumber production. Cucumbers favor female flower differentiation under short-day conditions, and the short 8 hours of seedling period is most beneficial to female flower differentiation. More than 12 hours of long days have the effect of promoting male flowers.
Soil and mineral nutrition: cucumbers need to be selected from loam that is rich in humus, has good air permeability, and has both fertilizer and water retention, and is well-drained; it is most suitable for cultivation; if cucumber is cultivated in the clay soil, fertility is slow, seedling growth is slow, but economic life is Long, high yield; if the use of sandy soil cultivation, cucumber hair fast, early melon, but easy to aging and premature aging.
The absorption of mineral elements by cucumber is the most potassium, followed by nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium again. About 5.6-9.9 kg of potassium oxide, 2.8 kg of nitrogen, 0.9 kg of phosphorus pentoxide, 3.1 kg of calcium oxide, and 0.7 kg of magnesium oxide are consumed for every 1,000 kg of cucumber produced. The absorption of more than 80% of each element is absorbed after the result. Of these, 50%-60% are absorbed during the harvest period.
For the treatment :
[Of all the diseases of the nervous system, the most common difficulty that people have is pain, and much of that is nerve-related," according to Dr. Shai Gozani, founder and CEO of NeuroMetrix, a medical device company. [There are 100 million people who live with chronic pain."
According to the Mayo Clinic, patients with nerve disorders experience functional difficulties, which result in conditions such as:
Epilepsy, in which abnormal electrical discharges from brain cells cause seizures
Parkinson's disease, which is a progressive nerve disease that affects movement
Multiple sclerosis (MS), in which the protective lining of the nerves is attacked by the body`s immune system
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is a motor neuron disease which weakens the muscles and progressively hampers physical function
Huntington's disease, which is an inherited condition that cause the nerve cells in the brain to degenerate
Alzheimer's disease, which covers a wide range of disorders that impacts mental functions, particularly memory.
Mayo Clinic also noted that the nervous system can also be affected by vascular disorders such as:
Stroke, which occurs when there is bleeding on the brain or the blow flow to the brain is obstructed;
Transient ischemic attack (TIA), which are mini-type strokes that last a shorter period of time but mimic stroke symptoms; and
Subarachnoid hemorrhage, which is specifically bleeding in the space between your brain and the surrounding membrane that can be the result of a trauma or rupturing of a weak blood vessel;
Infections such as meningitis, encephalitis, polio, and epidural abscess can also affect the nervous system, the NIH noted.
Treatments vary from anti inflammatory medications and pain medications such as opiates , to implanted nerve stimulators and wearable devices, Gozani said. [Many people also turn to herbal and holistic methods to reduce pain, such as acupuncture."
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