The first purchase determines the fate of the new product

The first purchase determines the fate of the new product The continuous success of new products is one of the keys to the company's continued success. The Coca-Cola Company not only has Coca-Cola, but also Sprite and Midea source products. For a new product to be successful, in addition to the taste and price of the product itself, it must also overcome barriers to first-time purchases and cultivate a considerable number of consumer seeds. Otherwise, you will not be able to return.

New first-time buyers breakthrough difficulty, we must use force to push a
<br> <br> every time behind the introduction of new consumers, is a breakthrough new campaign consumer psychology and consumer inertia defense. There is an old saying in China that “it is not a function, not a device”, which means that there is no ten-fold effect, and it is not easy to change appliances. This shows that the inertia of consumption is strong. Therefore, the difficulty and focus of new product sales is to achieve breakthrough first-time purchase.

Consumers' awareness and consumption of new products must go through the process of attention → interest → association → desire → comparative thinking → belief → action → satisfaction. If you can't make a purchase, all the previous knowledge of the product loses its meaning. A company in Shandong launched a local flavor of Wucengzi smoked chicken, which was highly praised in this county market. Therefore, the company had an advertisement in the province, but it was not able to buy it just after leaving the county and came to Jinan. Why? Originally, consumers in Jinan did not have the geographic advantage of where the company is located. They were skeptical about what exactly was the product in the tin foil packaging. In order to avoid “suspect”, they had to stay away. In fact, the solution is very simple. At the same time, we must also promote transparent packaging (casual wear and tasting) at the same time. First, consumers will see the content, and second, they will reduce the risk of first attempt.

If you have advertised or done an activity, if the product is still unmovable, it must be a certain stage before the consumer will stop at “comparative thinking”. At this time, can you push it again and let the consumer create a belief in buying and then put it into action? It has become the key to success or failure.

In addition to traditional promotions and tastings, there are many ways to promote consumer purchases for the first time. If you give a voucher on a leaflet, the first order for online ordering is free or refunded within a limited time.

A product that can be formed for the first time, even if it fails, can understand the product defect and failure cause from the feedback. If even the first purchase has not formed, it will be withdrawn from the market. Even if it is not worth referring to, the company has spent money and has not bought any experience and lessons.

Fostering 15% of loyalty, inciting another 70%

The first purchase of the first consumer has a high strategic value for the promotion of new products. This part of the consumer is a marketing fire, and when the fire of the stars has accumulated to a certain extent, it will become a prairie fire.

The diffusion theory of innovation points out that the diffusion process of innovation diffusion can be described by an “S” curve. In the early days of proliferation, there were few adopters and the pace of progress was slow; when the number of adopters expanded to 10% to 25% of residents, the progress suddenly accelerated and the curve quickly rose and maintained this trend, the so-called “takeoff” Period "; When it is near saturation, progress will slow down again.

In the early days of the launch of the new product, there is always a small group of early adopters who are interested and willing to make purchases. This seemingly insignificant group is often the opinion leader, fashion leader, and the marketing leader Seeds can play a big role in interpersonal communication and persuade others to accept new products and new services. Think about how we started online shopping? It is believed that the vast majority of people do not start with advertisements but start with the recommendation of others. Also, it is easier for young people to try new products and then encourage their parents to eat them, which eventually leads to the repeated consumption of a family.

Must try to develop the marketing fire to account for more than 15% of the population, seize and nurture this part of the consumer, it will be able to drive the other 70% of the mainstream consumer groups, so that new products quickly survive the survival period, usher in "curve quickly Rising stage.

Many companies do not have products that are not good, but they do not know this law, have not survived and crossed this stage, and the results have been abandoned halfway.

There is a big premise for food and beverage marketing that must be delicious and tasty. This is the absolute truth. If the product itself has more negative tastes than positive reputations, the more consumers you start to buy, the faster the market will fail.

Combination Bolt Lock

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