House ash, harmful

Some chicken farmers believe that using chicken ash sheds can prevent chicken disease. This is wrong. The sheds in the sheds are not only unprotected, but are susceptible to illness. The main reasons are as follows:

First, because the main component of plant ash is potassium carbonate. If stirred together with chicken manure, it is easy to react chemically and produce ammonia gas, which not only smells bad, but also has a strong irritant and directly harms the chicken's respiratory tract. Light can increase respiratory secretions of chickens, hinder growth and development, reduce egg production; severe cases can cause spine laryngeal edema, necrotic bronchitis, pulmonary hemorrhage and other acute illnesses. In particular, it is more harmful when the house is poorly ventilated.

Second, because the plant ash contains alkali weight, if the long-term pad chicken house, its dust directly stimulates the chicken's skin, leaving its wool off.

Third, due to the chicken's activities, the dust will fly around and pollute the air. Over time, it will induce respiratory diseases.

Therefore, the chicken farmer should pay attention to the inside of the house. The best way is to use raw soil, hay mix pad, and regularly remove and replace.

Long Jing

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