Symptoms Most of the disease occurs when oats are near maturation, mainly affecting the leaves, lower leaf sheaths, and stem bases. The diseased leaves of the newly emerged fusiform to nearly fusiform reddish-brown lesions, with an elongated dark-colored conidiophore disc, resemble a rust-like teliospore stack. Lesions from leaf sheaths and stem bases produce similar symptoms. Severe disease affects the degree of fullness of the grain. (right)
The pathogen is Colletotrichum graminicola (Ces.) G. Wils. Synonyms: Colletotrichum graminicolum (Ces.) G. W Wils. Anthrax spp. is an imperfect fungus. The sexual state is Glomerella graminicala Polltis, which is known as a small crustacean and belongs to the phylum Ascomycota. The morphological characteristics, transmission routes, and disease conditions of pathogens, and control methods are shown in Wheat anthracnose.
Mung Bean,Cassia Seed,Pumpkin Seed,The Fruit Of Chinese Wolfberry
Henan Qiancuntang medicial technology ,