Soybean purple spot disease is one of the main diseases of soybean, which occurs in the Yanjin production area and often occurs before and after the scab, affecting the yield and quality.
1. Symptoms: The lesions on the stem are diamond-shaped, reddish-brown, grayish-brown in later stages, with a shiny, fine black spot. The lesions were nearly round or irregular in shape, with no obvious edges. After drying, they became black. The lesions on the seeds were obvious. When the disease was light, radial lavender markings formed around the umbilicus. When the lesions were severe, the entire seeds were dark purple. Pieces, sometimes seed coat cracks, brown spots on seeds, sometimes malformed or dead. Leaves on the victim, producing irregular brown spots, sometimes malformed or dead. The lesions on the leaf were brown or dark brown, and when the humidity was high, the lesions had black mould on both sides.
2. Control methods: (1) Select local conditions and select good varieties with disease resistance and high yield. (2) Select disease-free seeds, strictly select grains, remove purple granules, and eliminate the source of initial infection. (3) Remove the diseased plant residue, perform the crop rotation, combine the seedlings, and remove the diseased seedlings. (4) Strengthen field management and rational fertilization. (5) Bordeaux mixture 1:2:200 or sprayed with 50% Benzene 2000x. 75 kg per mu spray liquid. From the beginning of the seedling stage, two consecutive sprays are performed and the effect is good.
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