Symptoms commonly known as water rot. It is an important disease during harvest and storage. The potato chips became infected. The white molds grew on the surface of the tuber, and then turned dark or black. The diseased tissue turned into a light brown water immersion, and a large number of gray-black mycelium and sporangia grew on the surface of the diseased part. Black moldy contaminated The surrounding diseased potato forms a large piece of moldy hair, and the disease spreads rapidly. The entire tuber root is soft and rotted for about 2-3 days, giving off bad smell.
Pathogen Rhizopus stolonifer (Ehr ex Fr.) Vuill. Rhizopus spp. The hyphae were initially colorless, and then turned dark brown to form a Diandian root. The asexual state was clustered with cyst stalks at the root section, erect, dark brown, with a globular sporangium at the top, and many dark round spores were produced in the sac. Single cells, 11-14um in size, formed cysts at the root of axillary roots, resulting in the formation of a piece of mold in the contamination of many tubers; the black-sprayed spores in the sexual state and the protrusions on the spherical surface. In addition, R. nigricans Ehrb. and R.tritici Saito are also the cause of the disease.
Transmission routes and conditions The bacteria are present in the air or adhere to the damaged potato stalks or overwintering in the storage pits and are invaded by wounds. The diseased part produces sporangia and re-infects by airflow, and the potato pieces have wounds or are susceptible to freezing. Onset temperature 15-25°C, relative humidity 76%-86%, temperature 29-33°C, relative humidity higher than 95% is not conducive to sporulation and germination, but it is conducive to the formation of callus of potato tuber, so the incidence is light.
Prevention methods (1) timely harvest, avoid freezing damage, summer potato should be collected before and after the frost, the autumn potato should be finished before the beginning of winter, the harvest should be selected sunny sunny potato, be careful to avoid the wound. (2) Select the healthy potatoes before entering the pit, remove the diseased potatoes, dry the water and dry them, and then enter the pits in a timely manner. Advocating the use of new pits, the old pits should be cleaned up, or the earth and soil in the pits should be excavated to expose new soil, and if necessary, fumigated with sulphur, with sulfur 15g per m3. (3) Scientific management The sweet potato in the pit storage should be managed in three stages according to the physiological reaction of sweet potato and the temperature and cellar temperature changes. One is the early stage of storage, that is, the dry period of sweet potato, sweet potato into the cellar 10-28 days should open the cellar door ventilation, when the temperature of the cellar within the potato heap dropped to 12-14 °C, the cellar door can be closed. The second is the mid-term of storage, that is, from December to the cold period in February of the following year, attention should be paid to insulation and antifreeze. The temperature of the pits should be maintained at 10-14°C and not lower than 10°C. The third is the late storage period, that is, the temperature change period. From March onwards, the cellar temperature should be checked frequently, and the cell should be ventilated or closed in time to keep the cellar temperature between 10 and 14°C.
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