Medical imaging experts push early diagnosis of liver cancer

Release date: 2007-06-04

Medical imaging experts push early diagnosis of liver cancer Recently, Chen Min, deputy director of the Department of Radiology of Beijing Hospital, and Sun Nan, senior clinical application expert of GE magnetic resonance, visited the website to introduce netizens to the early diagnosis of liver cancer. Liver cancer is one of the common malignant tumors in China. About 100,000 people die of liver cancer every year. It is the second-most cancer killer in China, and it is called the “king of cancer”. Chen Min said that patients with a history of hepatitis or family history, patients with cirrhosis or severe fatty liver should pay attention to prevent the occurrence of liver cancer. Nuclear magnetic resonance has an advantage in the early diagnosis of liver cancer. In addition to the cross-section, nuclear magnetic can also be used for coronal, sagittal, and oblique tomography of the liver. Because of the many aspects of the fault, it is easy to find small lesions. Secondly, the soft tissue of nuclear magnetic resonance is very high, and it can be used for early differential diagnosis of liver cancer. In contrast, other tests such as CT may be unclear. In addition, there is an important advantage, that is, no radiation, no damage to the human body. ——Midi Medical Network

Acacia Honey is one of most wanted and most selling type of honey in the world. It is produced from the nectar of thee acacia flower. You should be especially careful, since the acacia tree is poisonous, except the flowers, that are white and smelly, and are connected in clusters long about 20 cm. Planted acacia gives a lot more nectar than the one that grows in the forest, that is why canopy is much bigger, they receive more sun so there is more flowers. 
Acacia blooms in the middle of the spring, for better input of nectar warmer nights and days and more humid mornings suit it.

During the time of acacia blooming bees are so preoccupied with it that there is no possibility of taking in nectar from other plants. Today it is difficult to find pure, chemically correct product in agriculture.

For months it remains in liquid state and crystallizes very slowly, because in its composition contains more fructose than glucose. Bee themselves successfully hibernate, if they can hibernate on the acacia honey.

Healing properties:

Because of it properties it is listed in the most precious TYPES OF HONEY. Main reason for healing benefits of honey lies on the fact that honey is not treated with insecticides and pesticides. Acacia honey is for its pleasant and mild taste and reduced presence pollen and exceptional healing properties; it is very useful in the diet of young people. This honey, because of its specific aroma, increases appetite and quickly replenishes lost energy. Regulates secretion of acid in the stomach, and it is good as wanted preventive with bronchial disturbances. It has a positive property with people that suffer from insomnia or are exposed to stress and tension during the day.

Recommended use:

Acacia honey is best to use every morning, one tea spoon before breakfast (if needed use more), or dissolved in warm water, milk, tea, or even better in apple vinegar. It is recommended to use it with chamomile tea, because it increases the effect of tea and honey.

Preservation way:

Acacia honey can be preserved in room temperature, without influence from sun light.

Acacia Honey

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Ningxia Natural Honey Product Technology And Development Co., Ltd. ,

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