The research team of the Institute of Biophysics and the Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has made new progress in aging research

The research team of the Institute of Biophysics and the Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has made new progress in aging research

November 29, 2018 Source: Ministry of Science and Technology

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As the research progresses, more and more longevity genes are discovered, such as the APOE, Klotho, FOXO3, and Sirtuin protein family genes. The most famous gene is the Sirtuin protein family gene. The Sirtuin family of proteins is a highly conserved deacetylase from yeast to humans and is involved in life cycle regulation. In addition to Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in mammals such as mice, scientists have discovered seven homologous genes of Sir2, SIRT1 to SIRT7. Genetic switches that regulate aging have never been turned on or off at the monkey or human cell level because of genetic editing techniques and the like.

The research team of the Institute of Biophysics and the Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences combined with human stem cells and gene editing technology found that the loss of SIRT6 leads to a steady imbalance of human mesenchymal stem cells. Subsequently, the research team achieved the first systematic knockout of SIRT6 in non-human primates, and obtained the world's first cynomolgus monkey model with specific longevity gene knockout. It was found that SIRT6 regulates prenatal development of primates. The key molecular switch reveals the differences in aging regulatory pathways between primates and rodents. Comparing SIRT6 knockout cynomolgus monkeys and wild-type newborn monkey organs, SIRT6 can inhibit the expression of H19 by deacetylating the histones of the H19-imprinted regulatory region, thereby affecting the normal process of neural differentiation. Relevant research results have recently been published in Nature magazine. The work was completed by Liu Guanghui, a researcher at the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qu Jing, a researcher at the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Li Wei, and Hu Baoyang.

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