Crabs winter stocking technology

During the winter, the crabs are stocked with crabs. Because of the low temperature, the crabs have weak activity and are not likely to damage the crabs in the course of fishing, transportation, and stocking. Therefore, the survival rate is high and there are few crabs to escape. It is a method of raising crabs.

To raise crabs in winter, we must take four steps:

1. Crab pond preparation Before the crab seedlings are released, 100 kg of lime should be used to completely disinfect the crab ponds per acre; calcium phosphate plates with smooth surfaces inside and outside the crab ponds should be used to prevent escape from the walls, or to block and harden the joints at the end of the block. The plastic film prevents escape; in crab ponds, aquatic plants such as peanuts, Vallisneria, Hydrilla verticillata, Elodea, etc. are also transplanted and evenly distributed so that the coverage rate is over 40% to simulate the natural ecological environment.

Second, stocking density per acre crab pool, general stocking specifications 400 to 600 per kg of crab seedlings 1200 to 1400. If it is a large surface crab, because of the large area, many predators and more difficult management, it should be properly diluted, each mu can be stocked size of 200 to 300 per kg of large crabs 600 to 800 to improve Crab listing specifications.

Third, if the crabs are carefully stored in long-distance transportation, or if they leave the water for a long time, the filaments will shrink. After reaching the stocking pond mouth, the crab seedlings box with crab seedlings should be put into the pool water for 2 minutes to 3 minutes. Minutes, then on the shore for 20 minutes to 30 minutes, and so repeated two or three times, until the crabs slowly suck enough water to be put into the pool. At the same time, before stocking, it is best to use 15ppm formalin solution, dip the crab seedlings for about 20 minutes for sterilization. In addition, if it is a large water surface stocking, or a large area of ​​Tongkou, which can first be surrounded by 1 mu ~ 2 acres of water surface, for a short period of time raised until the crabs to adapt to new water bodies, then into the large body of water.

Fourth, pay attention to water quality Crab ponds for the stocking of crabs in winter, water depth should be maintained at 1.5 meters or more to maintain a higher water temperature. If the water quality is too fat, it needs to be replaced in time to prevent crabs from suffocating. When the weather is clear and the pool water temperature is above 4°C, the crab will feed a small amount and can feed a small amount of chopped small junk fish, shrimp and clam meat to meet the demand of crab seedlings for bait.

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