Bird flu epidemic in Taiwan continues to expand on the 17th

Xinhua News Agency, Taipei, February 16 (Reporter Liu Huan and Wu Jihai) The bird flu epidemic in Taiwan has become increasingly serious. To avoid the loss of control of the immune situation, the Taiwan authorities’ agricultural department announced that it will stop at 0:00 on February 17 and at 0:00 on the 24th. The embargo is for 7 days.

On the 16th the same day, 4 cases of H5N6 newly diagnosed with the risk of passing birds were reported in Tainan City. At present, there are 9 H5N6 epidemic areas in Taiwan, showing an expanding trend of bird flu. Since the beginning of this year, more than 130,000 chickens, turkeys and ducks have been culled on poultry farms infected with H5N8, H5N2 and H5N6; more than 6,200 chickens and ducks have been destroyed at the slaughterhouse.

Taiwan's agricultural authorities said that the white broilers that are kept indoors and sent directly to slaughterhouses, as well as 1-day-old chicks, are not included. Any poultry egg product that has been washed or fumigated and is accompanied by a certificate issued by a special veterinarian can be transported for sale. In response to the impact of the ban on slaughter by related businesses, the authorities have also proposed supporting measures such as compensation for losses and low-income loans. The department also stated that the reason why the embargo is prohibited for 7 days is that the H5N6 virus has a latency period of up to 7 days and will develop in 3 to 4 days. Therefore, during this time, the infected poultry will all appear. Completely remove the virus. If we do not first resort to preventive measures and allow the virus to spread around, the price paid will be greater than the embargo.

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