Carrot leaf blight control method

Carrot leaf blotch, also known as leaf spot disease. Carrots cultivated in the open field in the autumn usually start to develop in the early winter. If the control is not timely, it is easy to spread rapidly. When the disease is severe, the leaves of the field are yellow and fire-like, resulting in a significant reduction in carrot production. The incidence characteristics and control methods of carrot spot blight are described below for reference.

First, the main symptoms

The lesions on the diseased leaves are irregular or near-circular, and the diseased and healthy tissues are clearly demarcated. The lesions are yellow-green on the edge, central brown or dark brown, dense black particles on the lesions, small particles buried or semi-buried, petioles Formed on the black-brown slightly sloping irregular shaped lesions, scattered small black particles on the lesion, the disease is serious, the leaves covered with lesions or lesions connected, resulting in early yellow leaves withered.

Second, the characteristics of the disease

The pathogenic bacteria are transmitted through wind and rain and irrigation water and invade through the stomata or penetrate the epidermis. Diseases are frequently infested and develop rapidly. The pathogens are very warm and wet, especially in the case of extensive management and debilitating disease.

Third, control methods

At the beginning of onset, 70% Mancozeb Zinc WP can be used 500 times, 80% Xinwansheng WP 600 times, and 77% can kill WP 800 times or 1:1:200 Bordeaux mixture. 50 ~ 60 kg alternating spray, and adding a new amount of high fat film, can prevent pests produce drug resistance, enhance efficacy, spray every 7 to 10 days, and even spray 2 to 3 times.

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