New antibodies can withstand 99% HIV variants

New antibodies can withstand 99% HIV variants

September 25, 2017 Source: Technology Daily

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According to the latest issue of Science, the National Institutes of Health and the pharmaceutical company Sanofi, using a new antibody jointly developed by genetic engineering technology, can attack 99% of HIV (HIV) strains and prevent primates. Animals are infected. The antibody has been successfully tested in monkeys and human clinical trials will be launched next year.

The reason why humans are difficult to cure after HIV infection is because the HIV virus has extraordinary variability. The HIV virus variant in a single patient is equivalent to the type of virus in the global influenza epidemic, and the patient's immune system must fight against a huge number of HIV variants.

A small number of HIV patients develop antibodies with broad neutralizing ability that attack HIV basic substances and kill large numbers of HIV variants after many years of infection. Researchers have been trying to use this widely neutralized antibody as a preferred method to treat HIV or prevent infection. In the latest study, scientists combined three widely neutralizing antibodies to create a more powerful "triple-specific" antibody that attacks three key parts of the HIV virus against 99% of HIV variants.

The researchers' experiments on 24 monkeys showed that monkeys injected with new antibodies were reinjected with HIV, and none of the monkeys showed signs of infection. Sanofi chief scientist Gary Naber said that only very low concentrations of this antibody produce more powerful and broader effects than any of the best naturally occurring antibodies that can withstand 90% of HIV variants.

Professor Linde Gale Baker, president of the International AIDS Society, said the research was an exciting breakthrough. Dr. Anthony Fitch, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said that combining antibodies that bind HIV at different sites or overcoming HIV defense mechanisms and achieving optimal antibody-based treatment and prevention . (Feng Weidong)

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