Certain segments can affect both personality and mental health

Certain segments can affect both personality and mental health

January 04, 2017 Source: Research Circle

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Congenital inheritance and acquired experience can shape our personality and mental health in a variety of ways, both of which are equally important, while the former are more elusive. In a recent genetic analysis study, the researchers identified six genomic fragments related to the Big Five personality (extroversion, neuroticism, affinity, conscientiousness, and openness) in human complex genetic maps, some of which were Can affect both personality and mental health, such as being talkative or cautious in front of strangers, and whether they are susceptible to mental illness such as schizophrenia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Specifically, the researchers found genetic associations between the following groups of personality and disease: extroversion and ADHD, neuroticism and depression, openness and schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. This new discovery deepens our understanding of mental health and may be helpful in diagnosing and treating mental illness.

The study, conducted by the University of California, San Diego, was published in the journal Nature Genetics . The 60,000 genetic samples screened in the study were provided by consumer genomics firm 23andMe, and the Genetics of Personality Consortium also provided a database of approximately 8,000 genetic samples. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the above data, the researchers attempted to find out the association between specific DNA fragments, personality and mental illness.

Psychologists often use the aforementioned Big Five personality model when studying personality. These five traits can cover almost all aspects of personality description, and score each of these five traits to score a person's personality. Early studies of twins and families have shown that about 40% of differences in personality test results can be explained by genetic factors.

Combining all genetic data and personality analysis data, the researchers found that neuroticism has a strong correlation with chromosome region 8p23.1. This chromosomal region is known to encode genes associated with innate immunity and the nervous system, and early studies have found that this region is associated with cancer and developmental neuropsychiatric disorders. While the prominent features of neuroticism are anxiety, depression, and emotional instability, the discovery of this new association suggests a variety of mechanisms.

The researchers also found a strong correlation between extraversion and chromosomal region 12q23.3. Studies have reported that 12q23.3 is associated with bipolar disorder, suggesting that the region is involved in regulating personality and temperament.

In the association analysis, the researchers found a significant genetic association between neuroticism and depression, extroversion and ADHD, which they believe suggests that ADHD is likely to be one of the extroverted variants.

In addition, the study found that the L3MBTL2 gene variant is associated with both neuroticism and schizophrenia, supporting the association between neuroticism and schizophrenia previously found in population studies. The MTMR9 gene mutation is associated with the responsiveness of extroverted and antipsychotic drugs.

Finally, the researchers did not find significant genetic correlations between conscientiousness, education, and academic achievement.

Overall, the study found that certain genetic factors can affect both personality and mental illness. Despite the large sample size in this study, the researchers believe that this is not enough to make a statistical analysis of some rare genetic features that may be related to personality and disease. However, this finding is enough to give us greater expectations for genetic association analysis between personality and mental illness.

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