Seven to ten days after the lamb is born, when following the ewes to grazing or feed, they will imitate the behavior of the ewes and eat certain forage. At this point, the soybeans can be fried, crushed and then sprinkled in the feeding tank to lure the lamb. At the beginning, each lamb can feed 10 to 50 grams a day, and gradually increase the amount of supplements after the lamb is used. Lamb supplementation should be carried out separately. When the lamb's feed intake reaches about 100 grams, supplements can be made with a mixture of about 24% crude protein. In the late lactation period, lambs can be grouped individually during the day, and special grassland can be grazing and combined with supplementary concentrates. High-quality hay can be placed on straw racks for free feeding, and grasses and leguminous hay are preferred.
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