The problem of vegetable growth is clever application of micro-fertilizer to promote high yield

Boron fertilizer

The lack of boron in vegetables is obviously manifested in the thickening of stems and stems of plants, brittle and easy to split, poor root development, dark green leaves, new leaves pale and deformed, damaged or necrotic growth points, abnormal flower development, growth period.

Boron fertilizers commonly used in production include borax and boric acid. Boron fertilizer can be used as basal fertilizer, top dressing, and seed fertilizer application. When boron-deficient soil is used as base fertilizer, borax or boric acid is applied in an amount of 0.5-1.5 kg per mu; for seed soaking, the concentration is 0.01%-0.1%, and the average seed dressing is 1 kg. The amount of fertilizer used for seeds is 0.4 to 1 kg; for foliar spraying, 0.1% to 0.2% of borax or 0.05% to 0.1% of boric acid solution is preferred. Molybdenum fertilizer

Vegetables lack molybdenum, poor growth, dwarfness, and leaves die of chlorosis and death. The commonly used molybdenum fertilizers are ammonium molybdate and sodium molybdate. Mo fertilizer is generally used for seed dressing, soaking and root spraying. The average amount of 1 kg of seeds used for seed dressing is 2-6 g; 0.05%-0.1% of molybdenum fertilizer solution is used for seed soaking; and the top dressing concentration is 0.01%-0.1%.

Manganese fertilizer

The deficiency of manganese in vegetables is mainly due to the chlorotic chlorosis between young leaves and veins, and the appearance of small brown spots and the plants stop growing. Manganese fertilizer commonly used in production is manganese sulfate, which is used as basal fertilizer when spraying 3 to 5 kg per acre; seed dressing average l kg seeds with 5 to 7 grams; soaking concentration of 0.05% to 0.1%; when used as a top dressing, The concentration is 0.05% to 0.1%.

Zinc fertilizer

Vegetables lack zinc, petiole after the roll, leaf chlorosis, clusters of small leaf, internode shortening, plant dwarf, yield decreased significantly. The zinc fertilizer species currently used most in production is zinc sulfate. Zinc Fertilizer as Base Fertilizer 1.0-1.5 kg of zinc sulfate per acre, but must pay attention to zinc fertilizer can not be mixed with phosphate fertilizer; soaking with 0.02% to 0.04% zinc sulfate solution; when dressing seedlings average l kg seed fertilizer amount is 2 ~ 4 grams; foliar spray application of a concentration of 0.01% to 0.05% of zinc sulfate solution.

Copper fertilizer

Copper deficiency, dwarfing of plants, yellowing of seedlings, and apical meristem necrosis. The copper fertilizer commonly used in production is copper sulfate. Copper sulphate is used as base fertilizer with 1 kilogram per acre. When applied, it is mixed with the soil. Foliar spray is applied with a solution of 0.02% to 0.04%. To avoid phytotoxicity to the leaves, a small amount of hydrated lime can be added to the solution.

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