Identification of liquid fertilizer has a coup

At present, there are many types of liquid fertilizers on the market. How to identify quality is mainly from several aspects: First, second, third, and fourth.

Look at the physical state. Good liquid fertilizer products are clear and transparent, clean and free from impurities, while products with poor quality may have many solid insolubles.

Product quality. The heavier the same volume of liquid product, the heavier. Therefore, the proportion of specific gravity is an important indicator to measure the quality of liquid fertilizer products. A good product does not necessarily have a large proportion, but a certain percentage of a certain amount is not sufficient.

Smell the product smell. Good product does not smell. There is a strong ammonia smell is not a good grasp of pH, a special smell is generally to cover some of the smell, a pungent odor is generally added material should not be added.

Freezing test stability. A good product placed in the freezer for 24 hours without freezing will not delaminate. If the stratification crystallizes, the raw material is not selected in the production process and the production process is not controlled.

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