Arthritis is a common disease. In our eyes, arthritis is the most likely to recur, so we should do preventive work. Do you know how to prevent arthritis?
National Arthritis 100 million
According to the latest statistics, currently there are 355 million people with arthritis in the world, and related health organizations rank arthritis as the world’s number one disability disease. In China, as of 2015, there are 120 million people with arthritis in China, and the incidence rate is about 13%. On average, 1 in 10 people suffers from the disease. The number of patients is increasing, and the incidence rate of young people is gradually increasing. high.
The cause of arthritis in young people
1. The increase in body weight and weight is proportional to the incidence of knee osteoarthritis. Obesity is also an aggravating factor. Obese people's weight loss can reduce the incidence of knee osteoarthritis.
2. Bone Mineral Density When the subchondral bone trabecula becomes thinner and becomes stiffer, its tolerance to pressure is reduced. Therefore, there is an increased risk of knee osteoarthritis in osteoporosis.
3, long-term pressure on the knee When the knee joint under a long-term pressure, the knee has been in a state of tension, long-term cause joint cavity and muscle, ligament and other factors of strain or even degeneration. Poor long-term posture, heavy weight, and excessive weight lead to knee soft tissue injury and osteoarthritis of the knee.
4, the impact of climate Cold long-term stimulation will make the knee, cartilage metabolism, decreased immunity, resulting in damage to the joints, cartilage. The high incidence of osteoarthritis in autumn and winter is directly related to the cold weather.
How to relieve arthritis
1. Lose weight
Obesity exacerbates the burden on the articular surface, causing the joint structure to accelerate wear, aging, and deformed arthritis. How do rheumatoid patients protect their joints? Obesity can indirectly affect joints through other metabolic complications, such as abnormal glucose tolerance, dyslipidemia, and the like.
2 pay attention to calcium
Calcium should be based on tonic, pay attention to the balance of nutrition, eat more dairy products, soy products. At the same time should see more sunlight and vitamin D supplementation to promote calcium absorption. The elderly should eat more calcium foods to ensure the normal needs of bone metabolism, but should pay attention to calcium supplements under the guidance of a doctor.
3. A reasonable diet
Eat spicy and spicy foods and cold, greasy things; avoid high-fat, excessive seafood; drink plenty of water and eat more vegetables and fruits.
Arthritis prevention food
According to the British “World Rheumatology Annual Reportâ€, moderate amounts of beer or wine can enhance their body's immunity. Drinking beer or wine properly every week can reduce the incidence of rheumatoid arthritis by half. However, drinking is not more than good and it should be enough.
2. Ginger
Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help prevent arthritis. When adding tea, add ginger, stir-fry and other foods to sprinkle ginger powder, are a good way to eat.
Sweet pepper
A green bell pepper contains twice as much vitamin C as the human body needs daily, while red and yellow bell peppers contain more vitamin C. In addition, sweet pepper is also an excellent source of vitamin B6 and folic acid, which can effectively relieve the pain caused by arthritis. Bell peppers need to be insulated from oxygen and stored at low temperatures. Sweet peppers and other fruits can be mixed together in a blender to produce fruit and vegetable juices, and can also be used to make delicious salads with other vegetables.
4. Papaya
Papaya and other β cryptoxanthin foods. Sweet peppers, winter squashes, pumpkins, papayas, oranges, and kale are all rich in β-cryptoxanthin, a potent carotenoid antioxidant. British scientists have discovered that beta cryptoxanthin can be converted into vitamin A in the human body and helps prevent arthritis.
5. Shrimp
Shrimp is the most popular aquatic food and is one of the main dietary sources of vitamin D. 90 grams of shrimp can provide 30% of the daily required vitamin D, which is higher than the vitamin D content of a glass of milk.
6. Broccoli
Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and Chinese cabbage can help curb arthritis.
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