Apple pre-bagging and young fruit medication attention

A: Apple farmers should carefully spray sulphur before bagging, including homemade compound mancozeb containing sulphur, compound carbendazim, compound thiophanate-methyl, etc.; cautious spray Fumei Shuang, Fumei, Fuyu special and Complex formulation; spray carefully on the skin with irritating and polluting effects of poor-quality EC insecticide, so as not to cause fruit rust, skin hole black spots. Spray pesticides that have corrosive effects on the fruit surface, such as hypertonic agents and synergists. The fruit surface in young fruit is very young and sensitive to drug reactions. Therefore, if metal pesticides such as sulfur, arsenic, iron, and copper, organic phosphorus insecticides, and strong penetrating pesticides are used during this period,

Barrier Gate

Zhuhai Mingke Electronics Technology Co., Ltd ,

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