Chinese scientists are expected to develop new therapies for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia
November 07, 2016 Source: Bio Valley
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Researcher Wei Jia pointed out that we are in urgent need of new targets and drugs to improve the prognosis of patients with acute myeloid leukemia, and we found that the use of fructose in the body of the patient will increase, this special metabolic characteristics can help predict patients The treatment of prognosis, the study also provides researchers with strong evidence to show that the use of small molecule drugs to block the use of fructose in the body may be able to bring significant therapeutic benefits to patients with acute myeloid leukemia.
Currently, the conventional therapy system for acute myeloid leukemia is very limited, with only about 25% to 30% of patients able to survive for 5 years after diagnosis; researcher Randall Holcombe points out that this study is important for the development of new cancer therapies. Significance, and this is not only for AML patients, but also for the treatment of other types of cancer patients. In the article, the researchers found that acute myeloid leukemia cells have a special ability to transfer the energy supply provided by glucose to the use of fructose to supply energy to cells. When glucose levels are lowered, cancer cells use fructose to obtain energy. It is the second largest carbohydrate in the body. Acute myeloid leukemia cells often use fructose instead of glucose to maintain energy supply to the cells. Once the cancer cells switch to the fructose supply mode, they will grow wildly.
The researchers suggest that blocking glucose transporters (GLUT 5) may help develop a potential therapy that limits the energy supply of acute myeloid leukemia cells and effectively blocks cancer growth; By targeting GLUT 5, it can effectively slow the growth of cancer cells, which is helpful for the development of new therapies for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia.
The normal cells of the body are almost independent of fructose for growth, which may suggest that scientists can use fructose transport as a novel drug target for attacking cancer cells. Currently researchers are developing inhibitors of GLUT 5, which can cut off cancer cells. Energy supply, and ultimately cancer cells; this new type of GLUT 5 inhibitor can be used alone or in combination with current chemotherapeutic drugs to ultimately enhance anti-cancer efficacy.
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