Spring and early summer are the seasons when chickens grow and lay eggs. Chicken farmers often add some bone meal to their diets to supplement calcium and phosphorus. In the process of adding bone meal, we must pay special attention to the following four issues: First, the amount of bone powder to be added is good, but adding too much is not only a waste, but also an excessive burden on the stomach and intestines of chickens, and even cause diseases such as gout. If the amount added is too small, the need for chicken egg production cannot be met. The amount of chicks added was 1.5% of the concentrate, and the amount of laying hens was 3% to 3.5% of the concentrate. Second, bone powder should be added in the amount of vinegar without vinegar in the bone powder contained in the calcium is not easy to be absorbed and used by the chicken, bone powder by adding an appropriate amount of vinegar, which contains calcium after the chemical reaction has become easily absorbed by the chicken acetic acid The effects of calcium and calcium supplements are both rapid and significant. The method is: After adding 3% of edible vinegar to the bone powder, stir it in a pan until it becomes hot. 3. Bone meal must be made from the bones of healthy livestock and poultry. Bone meal made from bones of diseased livestock (especially livestock and poultry with infectious diseases) must not be used. Because the use of such bone meal feeding chickens is very easy to cause the epidemic and epidemic. Fourth, the sheep bone powder can not be fed to produce egg-bone and sheep bone powder and heat. When it is absorbed and used by chickens to participate in eggshell formation, it will raise the temperature in the chicken body, which is not only unfavorable to the formation of egg shells, but also will reduce the egg production rate of chickens.
Shenzhen Piofond Technology Co., Ltd. , http://www.szliionbattery.com