1, drug killing reform comprehensive protection 2, high toxicity change low toxicity 3, use change to turn 4, blindly changed crop pests and diseases prevention and control is to ensure agricultural high yield and quality one of the important measures. The most commonly used control method is the application of chemical pesticides. At present, there are more than three pesticides applied: emulsions are more, highly toxic, and highly residual. The use of these pesticides has many weaknesses and drawbacks: First, it pollutes the environment and endangers the health of people and livestock. The second is killing beneficial organisms while destroying pests and diseases and destroying ecological balance. Third, pests are susceptible to drug resistance. The author believes that the current prevention and treatment of pests should be improved in four ways in order to receive good control effectiveness. One is to change simple drug killing to comprehensive prevention and control. Simply rely on chemical pesticides to prevent and control, can not fundamentally prevent pests and diseases. Only comprehensive measures can be taken to prevent and control diseases and insect pests. Comprehensive prevention and control includes agricultural control, biological control, and physical control. The author received a good result in adopting comprehensive measures to control rice blast disease at Qixingjie Town, Wuyuan City, three years ago. Local rice blast disease is harmful and rice production is severely reduced. I guide farmers to eliminate poor and poor-quality, disease-resistant varieties that are degraded in terms of production performance. We choose good varieties with good yield performance and strong resistance to disease, strengthen fertilizer and water management, and create benefits. The ecological environment with high rice yield and unfavorable diseases and insect pests, supplemented with pesticides to preserve the ear, only controls the rice panicle and neck ridge, which reduces the loss of rice by more than 600,000 kilograms over the previous year. In comprehensive prevention and control, biological control is low in cost, safe to humans and animals, and does not pollute the environment. It should be actively promoted. Such as the use of bio-pesticidal acaricidal bacillus, the control effect of S. binata, armyworm, cabbage caterpillar can reach more than 90%. There are more than 320 natural enemies of pests identified in the paddy field ecosystem in our province, including more than 180 natural enemy insects, more than 120 species of paddy field spiders, and more than 10 pathogenic microorganisms. We must use these natural enemies to control pests. The second is to change the high toxic and high quantities to low toxic and moderate amounts. At present, in the prevention and control of pests and diseases, there has been an increase in the use of drugs, which makes it easy to make excessive pesticide residues in agricultural products, resulting in human and animal poisoning. Therefore, we should use high-efficiency and low-toxicity pesticides as far as possible. According to different crops and control objects, reasonable pesticide dosages and concentrations should be used, and the amount of liquid chemicals per unit area should not be arbitrarily increased. The third is to change the long-term use of a drug to a new drug selection. In recent years, the city has changed the past to use only one pesticide for the mixture of two pesticides and new drug selection, screening out multiple low toxicity and high efficiency new pesticide varieties. For pesticide species, we use rotation for a certain number of years to improve the control effect. Such as the current promotion of insecticidal single, triazophos, the control of rice stem borer, rice stem borer, vertical leafhopper effect of more than 90%. Buluoxing prevents and controls rice planthoppers and rice leafhoppers. It not only has special effects, but also has low residual and low toxicity and is safe to humans and animals. The new pesticide Shibaoling Suspension, which was tested in 1998, has a good preventive and therapeutic effect on the control of rice seedlings and leafhoppers, cabbage soft rot, citrus scab, and watermelon diseases. The fourth is to change the blind application of pesticides according to the indicators. Last year, the author visited the town of Dutoutang in the city and saw that farmers used Jinggangmycin to control sheath blight of early rice. Although they chose the counterpart pesticide (jinggangmycin), the effect was not good. The main reason is that farmers can't figure out the law of disease occurrence, and cannot grasp the timing of drug use. They are often “not seeing pests and diseases, prevention of pests and diseases, panic outbreaks, and chemical pesticides multiplying, and the result has become a cannon.†To this end, farmers' friends must strengthen field management, accurately grasp the conditions of diseases and pests, and prevent and control them according to indicators. Insist on failing to reach the prevention and control index and die if it fails to cure it. The natural enemies can control the incurable insects. If they can rule, they will not be ruled out. To control the disease, it is necessary to use drugs to control pests and diseases as soon as possible.
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