A recently conducted poultry breeding trial showed that injecting garlic extract into the eggs early in the embryonic development can significantly increase the proportion of cocks hatched. Because meat roosters have faster growth rates and higher feed conversion rates than hens, attempts have been made to increase the proportion of hatched meat roosters through various attempts. Scientists compared the relative efficacy of garlic extract and aromatase inhibitors in the process of gender differentiation in chickens and found that garlic extracts have a role in promoting testicular development of roosters because they contain natural aromatase inhibitors. The garlic extract was injected on the fifth day of the hatching of the eggs, and distilled water was used as a control. The results showed that the hatching ratio of the male and the female chickens in the control group was 1:1, and the hatching ratio of the male and female chickens in the test group was 2.6:1. Significantly higher than the control group, and no abnormalities in morphology and production were observed in the chicks of the experimental group up to 8 weeks of age.
Ferrous Fumarate,Ferrous Gluconate,Isolated Soy Protein
Medicine,Health Food Co., Ltd. , http://www.cn-medicines.com