The young apple fruit has a warm climate, a large number of leaves have been formed, and the foodstuff is sufficient. Insect pests are infestation period. This period should be based on the type, number, and characteristics of pests that occur in the orchard, and focus on Other minor pests. l, removal of larvae or larvae in the cockroaches, to reduce the damage of leaf roller moth pests. 2, sex attractant or sweet and sour liquid traps and kills the specific practice is: Suspends the sexual attractant to lie in the water basin in the water surface about 1 centimeter, the basin adds the water and adds the washing powder slightly, hangs the basin 1.5 meters high from the ground On the branch, 667 square meters hang 2-3; sweet and sour liquid can trap and kill Pingxiaoxinxin, Xiaoxiaoxinxin and adult beetle, the ratio of sweet and sour liquid is water: vinegar: sugar = 15:3:1, hangs on the tree You can. Pay attention to trapping insects and remove them in time. 3, put the Trichogramma beetle Rupenn small roll leaf moth serious, can be placed in the overwintering moth to the first generation of egg bloom period. 5-6 days once, a total of 3 to 4 times, each time every 667 square meters can put about 3500. 4. Applicator ring orchard within the aphid species or a large number of natural enemies, this method can be used when the activity is frequent. Using a knife to cut the bark longitudinally to the xylem, apply 50% 50% solution of monocrotophos EC, and then wrap it with plastic film. At the same time can also cure leafhoppers, scale insects and other sucking pests. 5. The ground application shall be applied on the ground in the period of unearthing of peaches and adult beetles in order to prevent peach and beetle beetles. The pesticide shall be applied within the scope of the whole tree tray. The pesticide used is 50% diazinon agricultural cream. 200 times of dope or 6% lindane powder per 667 square meters 1-2 kilograms and other agents. 6, on the tree application Hawthorn leafhopper should be sprayed before, after flowering and before and after the wheat harvest, available agents are: 15% Dai Ling EC 3000-4000 times, 5% Nisuolang 2000 times, etc.; gold Fine moths should be used at the end of adult emergence, 25% diflubenzuron 1500 times, 30% mothcrest WP can also be used 2000 times to control hawthorn leafhoppers and to prevent gold moths. If other pests are severely damaged, they can be sprayed with 5% high-quality emulsifiable concentrate 2500 times solution or 20% exfoliant 2000 times solution and other broad-spectrum insecticides. Source: Agricultural Technology and Information
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