Composting Technology

This technology uses the nutrient absorption and yield balance principle to formulate the best composting scheme for vegetables, establishes the composting fertilizer and yield effect function equations, and formulates the wheat economic fertilization scheme and the maximum yield fertilization scheme. Establish a mathematical model of the allowable load of compost in different soils and crops, and determine the recommended total amount of compost by combining the environmental quality of the soil and the national standards for the quality of agricultural products. With reference to different types of crop manure analysis methods and organic-inorganic compound fertilizer manufacturing methods, the formulas and processes for the final processing of compost into various special fertilizers are determined. The use of CaCO3 as an additive controls the activity of heavy metals in compost to mitigate plant damage. The principle of using microorganisms to decompose organic matter and degrade organic chemicals is used to make a multifunctional composting agent.

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