Eggplant rainy days easy to get blight

Affected by the recent rainy weather, the eggplants in the open field have M. blight, and the general disease loss is 20% to 30%. When the disease is heavy, the loss can exceed 50%.


Seedling stage: The base of the embryo is water-stained and develops rapidly. It often trips and causes seedlings to die.

Adult stage: Generally, the first onset occurs when the fruit is near the ground. At the beginning of the disease, a brownish brown spot develops and gradually enlarges, and is slightly sunken. The inside of the fruit turns black and rot. When the weather is wet, the disease minister produces dense white wool. The onset of the leaves mostly starts from the edge of the leaf tip or leaf. The lesions appear dark green at the beginning and become brown afterwards. They are irregular. When wet, the diseased part also produces sparse white mold. Onset of twigs, water-stained at the beginning, after the browning, contracture and even broken, the upper branches and leaves withered.

The law of incidence

Eggplant blight occurs in hot and rainy seasons. The high temperature and raininess in the high fruit period is also beneficial. The rainy season is long and the rainfall is heavy. In particular, it is even rainy, the weather is hot, and the onset is early and heavy. Low-lying terrain, heavy soil, easy water in the field after rain, excessive dense planting, poor ventilation, and easy to cause disease.

Control methods

Agricultural control: selection of disease-resistant varieties; rotation of crops other than solanaceous vegetables and melons for more than three years; selection of easily drainable land for planting, application of organic fertilizers and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, and high-ridge cultivation, east-west direction, and Easy to arrange and easy to irrigation; reasonable dense planting, promptly go to the leaves, so that the field ventilation, on the field of rotten fruit, diseased leaves should be promptly cleaned and burned or buried; full base fertilizer, timely fertilizer, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, to avoid bias Nitrogen fertilizer.

Physical control: Soaking in warm water at 55°C for 15 minutes or soaking in 50°C warm water for 30 minutes.

Chemical control: 1 Soak the seeds with 300 times of formalin solution for 15 minutes, wash with water and sow. 2 Seedling stage use 75% chlorothalonil WP 600 times, or 40% EB aluminum wettable powder 200 times, or 65% dexamethasone wettable powder 500 times. Spray once every 7 days for 2-3 consecutive times. 3 When planting eggplant seedlings, use 70% thiophanate-methyl WP to make up 1 to 100, and apply 1100-1500 kg per mus. 4 Before the onset of the disease, use 25% metalaxyl WP 500 times to irrigate the roots. Each seedling is irrigated with 150 ml of liquid and every 10 days or so. 5In the early stage of onset of spraying, commonly used pesticides are spray g (80% mancozeb) wettable powder 600 times, or 72% glu (64% mancozeb 8% cymoxanil) WP 800 times Liquid, or 69% Ankegan Zinc WP 900 times, or 58% Metalaxyl Manganese Zinc 400-500x. In order to prevent the formation of drug resistance, the medication can be changed.

Functional Series


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