Morphological characteristics
Evergreen small tree, about 10 meters high; branchlets stout, brown, densely rusty or gray-brown hairs. Leaf leathery, lanceolate, oblanceolate, obovate or elliptic-oblong, 12-30 cm long, 3-9 cm wide, apex acute or acuminate, base cuneate or attenuate into petiole, sparsely margined Sawtooth, wrinkled above, densely grayish brown below and petiole, lateral veins 11-21 pairs; petiole 6-10 mm. Inflorescences terminal, pedicels, pedicels and calyx tube outside are densely rusty villi; flowers white, 1.2-2 cm in diam.; styles 5, free. Pear fruit spherical or oblong, 2-5 cm in diameter, yellow or orange. Distributed in Gansu, Shaanxi, Henan, and the Yangtze River basins; Vietnam, Burma, India, Indonesia, and Japan. Mostly cultivated or wild. Fruit raw or brewed; leaf medicinal, can diuretic, heat, thirst, barley and leaves have antitussive effect.
Collagen is the most abundant protein in mammals, accounting for 25% to 30% of the total protein. It is widely present in all tissues from the body surface of lower vertebrates to mammalian bodies. Collagen monomers are long cylindrical proteins with a length of about 280 nm and a diameter of 1.4–1.5 nm. It consists of 3 polypeptide chains that are supercoiled around each other.
Collagen,Collagen Peptides,Collagen costco,Collagen Peptide Products
YT(Xi'an) Biochem Co., Ltd. ,