Since China's bee product market has always been promising, there are more and more bee-keeping professional households, and many readers have come forward to inquire about the collection methods of propolis and bee venom. For this purpose, Yang Liu, a senior engineer at the Jiangxi Institute of Beekeeping Research, was invited to give explanations. First, the propolis collection method The cloth-covering method uses a canvas and a fine white cloth to make a cloth of the same size as the sub-cover, covering the nest frame. The cover cloth forms a gap of approximately 2 mm with the upper frame beam, and the bees accumulate propolis in the gap. Take glue every 15 days or so. Remove the cover cloth and scrape it with a scraper. 2. Gatherer Gatherer The Gatherer has a variety of cover styles, grille styles, and box styles. Place the collector into a specific location in the beehive box. Every 15 days or so, the collecting device is extracted from the bees and the propolis is taken out. Take off propolis faster at lower temperatures. Because the aromatic substances in the propolis are very volatile, the propolis should be promptly kneaded into groups and then stored in a non-toxic plastic bag for preservation. The quality of propolis in different locations and different glue source tree species is different, so the collected propolis should be packaged and marked separately. Second, the production of bee venom bee venom is secreted by the bee venom gland and paraintestinal glands, stored in the toxic sac in a toxic liquid. When worker bees defend themselves, venom is expelled from the tail pin. Production of bee venom usually uses electrical stimulation of bees to take bee venoms, ie electro-taking poisoning. Electric poisoning equipment includes: JDQ-I type, type II poison collector, QF-1 type bee electronic automatic poison detector, enclosed bee poison collector, nest door, nest bottom dual-use electric venom poisoning device, cage Electric venom extractor. Its use method according to the instructions. Electric poisoning is the use of a certain amount of current through the body of the bee. When the bee is hit by an electric shock, it produces a detoxification reaction and discharges the bee venom, and then accepts it with a glass plate. After drying, it can scrape the bee venom. Remove the bee venom in a brown glass bottle and seal it for future purification. Some important matters that should be noted when electro-taking bee venom: (1) The site for humans and animals should choose to visit fewer apiaries in order to prevent dust from affecting the quality of bee venom. Operators and drug paraphernalia should pay attention to cleanliness, especially the use of alcohol to disinfect the poison board, wear protective clothing and bee-proof masks, and do not smoke or use sprayers. When taking poison, avoid opening the beehive to watch. After a group of bees are poisoned, let the bee quiet for 10 minutes before withdrawing the poison detector. (2) The time for taking poison should be selected at the end of each flow honey period. Since the honey is taken during the honey flow period, the worker bees will spit honey while detoxifying and contaminate the bee venom. The poisoning should be done in the evening or evening when the temperature is not lower than 15°C (but not more than 11 o'clock in the evening). (3) The bee colony for poisoning should choose strong and old bee colonies with more bees, because the young bees are vulnerable to electric shock and reduce the amount of poison when taking poison. (4) Bee venom has a strong odor and is strongly irritating to the human respiratory tract. Masks should be worn when scraping poison. (5) The bee colony after taking poison should be properly rewarded for feeding, supplementing nutrition, and recovering the bee's constitution after electric shock. In addition, the infected bee colony should not be transferred to the ground immediately. It is necessary to take a rest for 3-4 days so that the bee colony can be replaced after the “further anger is eliminatedâ€. (6) The bee venom obtained must be sealed in a dark bottle and stored at a low temperature.