Common feed types and characteristics of meat rabbits

1. Green feed Green feed is a major source of wide-ranging and economical feed. The main characteristics of this type of feed are dry matter containing abundant crude protein, vitamins and minerals, strong palatability, easy digestion and absorption, low cost, complete nutrition, but high water content and large volume. The green feed commonly used for meat rabbits includes cultivated green fodder, weeds, and leaves. (1) Cultivation of green fodder There are leguminous pastures such as alfalfa, clover, hairy wolfberry fruit, milk vetch, ryegrass, wild peas, etc. This kind of feed has good palatability and contains high-quality protein; grasses such as oat grass, flat spike Goosegrass, etc.; vegetables such as carrot leaves, cabbage, spinach, cabbage, etc., due to the high moisture content of vegetables, need to dry and then feed after wilt. (2) Weeds should be selected for weeds with more leaves and less fiber. Commonly used: dandelion, plantain, wild leeks, spiny vegetables, purslane, mugwort and so on. (3) The leaves with high protein content and high nutritional value, such as eucalyptus leaves, mulberry leaves and eucalyptus leaves, can be selected. 2. Juicy feed mainly refers to root, tuber and melon feeds. Such as carrots, radishes, sweet potatoes, potatoes, pumpkins and so on. The characteristics of this type of feed are: tender and juicy, good palatability, rich nutrition, easy storage, in the winter season of dry grass, can make up for the lack of green feed. In particular, carrots not only have good palatability but also have a good nursed back effect. Breast-feeding female rabbits can increase the amount of lactation and promote the growth of young rabbits by feeding an appropriate amount of succulent feed. The breeding female rabbits have the effect of promoting estrus and improving the conception rate. It is worth noting that the root tubers and melons have a laxative effect and should not be over-fed when fed. They should be combined with the dry-dried feed supply. 3. Roughage refers to feed that has a crude fiber content of more than 18% calculated on dry matter. Its characteristics are: large size, low energy, protein and vitamin content (except legumes). Its nutritional value is affected by variety, harvest time, drying and storage methods. Generally, it is appropriate to harvest at the heading stage and early flowering stage. Do not expose to excessive sunlight or rain during drying. There are two types of roughage commonly used in meat rabbits, namely straw and hay. Manure stalks include corn stalks, peanut pods, sweet potato vines, and bean stalks; hay feeds include artificially cultivated hay, wild hay, and dried leaves. 4. Energy Feeds Some people use crude feeds with a content of crude fiber below 18% or a digestible energy of 10.46 MJ or more and kilograms as energy feed. They are weighed with 12.55 MJ and kilograms and are divided into high-energy feed and low-energy feed. The common energy feed for rabbits is barley, wheat, corn and rice. 5. Protein supplements are feeds that are rich in protein and have an effective energy content up to the energy feed standard, usually as a protein supplement. According to its source can be divided into two categories of plant and animal nature. Plant protein supplements mainly include legume seeds and processing by-product oil cakes. In bean seeds, the protein content reached 30%, and the digestible energy content was significantly higher than that of the grass seed. The content of lysine was high and the content of sulfur-containing amino acids was higher. Oil cakes have high protein content and effective energy content. Due to the abundant source of soybean cake and good palatability, it is the most commonly used protein supplement in meat rabbit compound feeds. Rapeseed cakes and cottonseed cakes are rarely fed to rabbits because they contain toxic components. Animal protein supplements include fish meal, meat and bone meal, silkworm meal and blood meal. This kind of feed protein content can be as high as 20%, must have a high and relatively balanced amino acid content, but poor palatability, meat rabbits do not like to eat, so the content in the feed should not exceed 30%. 6. Mineral feed The minerals contained in natural forage grass, weeds, cereals and leguminous feeds can basically meet the needs of rabbits, especially when the diet contains a large amount of legumes. However, when the diet is short of legume herbage, and when it is mainly grasses, it is necessary to supplement minerals. Routine mineral supplements for meat rabbits include salt, bone meal and stone powder. The amount of salt generally accounts for 2-3% of the compound feed. If the amount of salt is too large, it can cause poisoning. When the diet is lack of calcium and phosphorus, it can be supplemented with bone meal. The dosage is generally 3%. 7. Additives Feed refers to certain trace components added to compound feeds, which have obvious effects on improving the health of rabbits, promoting growth, and reproduction. The following are commonly used: (1) Amino acid additives commonly used lysine And methionine, the amount should be determined according to the feed formula and nutrition requirements of rabbits, how much is added. (2) Trace element additives are commonly used copper sulfate, manganese sulfate, zinc sulfate, ferrous sulfate and sodium selenite. (3) vitamin additives commonly used vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C. The most widely used meat rabbit feed is multidimensional. (4) Olaquindox and antibiotics are commonly used as growth promoters. According to experiments, tetracycline, chlortetracycline, or virginiamycin were added to diets to increase the growth of meat rabbits. The addition of 50 mg Bacillus titanium zinc per kilogram diet can reduce the incidence of enteritis in rabbits. 20 grams of olaquindox per ton of diet can significantly promote the growth of rabbits and reduce the incidence of diarrhea. (5) Common insecticides and health care additives include chloroquinone, sulfaquinoxaline, sulfamethazine, and the like. According to reports, adding 20-30 sulfamethazine to diets, or adding 20% ​​sulfamethoxine to drinking water, or adding 30-40 sulfaquinoline, can effectively control the coccidiosis of meat rabbits. In addition, onions, garlic, leeks, etc. also have the function of preventing and treating digestive tract diseases and coccidiosis. In summary, the additive feed has a certain role in the growth of rabbits, feed conversion and disease prevention. When adding meat rabbits should follow the standards of feeding, what is missing what is missing, how much less, can not abuse abuse. Especially antibiotics and the like, long-term use will produce drug resistance, and can inhibit the activity of cecum microbes. Therefore, special attention should be paid when using it. China Agricultural Network Editor

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