Effects of Dietary Nutrients on Immune Function of Aquatic Animals

1. The effect of feed protein on the immune function of aquatic animals There is a close relationship between protein and immune level of fish and shrimp. Protein is an important substance for the survival of fish and shrimp, and it is the cells that make up the body. Tissue, organ nutrients. The normal growth of fish requires a sufficient amount of protein in the diet, which is easy to digest and absorb, and a proper ratio of various amino acids. When the fish intake of protein is insufficient, the growth is slow, the immunity of the organism is decreased, the tissue is renewed slowly, the wound healing power is poor, and it is prone to illness. Too much protein can not be digested and excreted, reducing the digestibility of protein, but also easy to cause intestinal diseases. Studies have shown that protein levels and essential amino acid index (EAAI) have a significant impact on the immunity of allogynogenetic crucian carp. When the protein level is about 28%, the heterotrophic crucian carp has the strongest immunity; protein levels further increase to more than 28%. Although the relative growth rate is still maintained, the immunity and protein efficiency are significantly reduced. Too low levels of protein not only cause the growth rate to be too slow, but also reduce the immunity of the fish. Under conditions of relatively appropriate protein levels, full amino acid balance not only gives fish a faster growth rate, but also enhances immunity. 2. Effect of feed fat on immune function of aquatic animals Feed fat, especially essential fatty acids, is an important regulator of the immune response in warm-blooded animals. Adding essential fatty acids to the diet can improve the humoral and cellular immunity of the animal body, can increase the production of cytokines and affect the mitogenic stimulated lymphocyte proliferation reaction, and can enhance the phagocytic ability of macrophages. Similarly, Blazer (1991) reported that feeds containing different oils and fats can affect the bactericidal activity of macrophage cells of the catfish tail (fish back), and the bactericidal activity is positively correlated with the content of long-chain highly unsaturated fatty acids in the feed. Ren Zelin et al. (2000) added 3% fresh fish oil (POV 1.28meq/kg) and oxidized fish oils with POVs of 59.28, 118.79, and 189.37 meq/kg, respectively, to semi-purified feed, and weighed around 100g. The fish of the second-instar fish species showed that the oxidation of fish oil could lead to enhanced phagocytic activity of nevi, indicating that the non-specific cellular immune response of eel was enhanced. Macrophage aggregates (Mass) are the major aggregation sites of pigment macrophages and are mainly found in the spleen, kidneys, and liver of fish. It plays an important role in the regulation of humoral and cellular immunity in aquatic animals. It can also eliminate toxic or harmful substances in vivo or in vitro. Montero et al. (1999) reported that polyunsaturated fatty acids can increase the macrophage aggregates of the spleen of juvenile cheekfish, thereby affecting their immune function, but its mechanism of action is still unclear. 3. Effect of feed vitamins on immune function of aquatic animals 3. l Vitamin C (VC) VC is a nutrient necessary for animals to grow and maintain normal physiological functions. Most birds and mammals can use glucuronic acid to synthesize VC, but many aquatic animals cannot synthesize and must be obtained from food. VC has a certain influence on the humoral immunity and non-specific cellular immunity of aquatic animals. Therefore, adding VC into the diet of aquatic animals can enhance its immune function, improve disease resistance and survival rate. For example, the addition of VC to shrimp diets in China can significantly reduce the mortality rate of Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection, increase its ability to tolerate hypoxia, prolong survival time, and increase survival rate (Wang Weiqing et al., 1996). However, at present, the influence and mechanism of VC on the immune function of aquatic animals are still in the stage of research and exploration. Schmidt (1997) reported that VC is necessary for animals' normal immune function, but it does not act directly, but it is synergistic with the transport of some antioxidant substances such as VE and metal elements such as iron and copper that have a defensive function for the organism. effect. Verlhac (1998) found that diets with high VC (3000 mg/kg) content can significantly increase the lysozyme activity of rainbow trout. Studies on the relationship between VC and fish immune mechanisms in foreign countries have shown that the addition of VC to feeds can significantly affect the antibody-dependent hemolytic activity of fish complement. Haride et al. (1991) have similar results for the study of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, and the hemolytic activity of the serum complement of Atlantic salmon increased significantly with increasing dietary VC content. Ortuno (1999) used high-VC diets to feed Jintoujing, and its respiratory detonation and serum complement activity showed a significant increase. Chinese scholars also confirmed the above results in the trials of blue-spotted animal nutrition and immune fish. Qin Qiwei et al. (2000) added different doses of VC (0, 500, 1000, 1500, and 2000 mg per kilogram of bait fish) to frozen fish baits and continuously fed the blue grouper Epinephelus awara for 20 weeks. The ability of serum complement to solubilize SRBC significantly increased with the increase of dietary vitamin C (P<0.01), compared to the control group fed only with frozen small fish, and the added amount was 2000 mg/kg group of fish. Hemolytic activity increased more than one time, but VC had no effect on the bactericidal activity of serum. The effect of VC on complement activity may be related to the synthesis of C1. When VC is the normal growth requirement of 100 letters, it can significantly increase the plasma Clq content, which is a component of C1, which is the first complement component that activates the classical complement pathway. Activation of the classical complement pathway may require high doses of VC and require prolonged addition (Velhac et al., 1996). 3.2 Vitamin E (VE) VE is also an important nutrient for aquatic animals. Its main function is antioxidant. It protects lipid-soluble cell membranes and unsaturated fatty acids from oxidation. It can be used as an immune-enhancing substance to enhance phagocytosis by adding moderate amounts of feed. Enhance the production of phagocytic cells. Hardie et al. (1990) concluded that the complement activity of Atlantic salmon was not impaired and the mortality rate was significantly higher than that of the additive group. The ability of macrophages to phagocytose bacteria decreased. With the increase of VE levels in feed. Red group erythrocytes have increased resistance to hydrogen peroxide-induced hemolysis, and the stability of erythrocyte membranes also increases; the requirement of VE and other cellular antioxidants depends on the production of endogenous and exogenous free radicals and oxidizability in cell membranes. Concentration of fat, supplementation of VE in the feed promotes phagocytic activity of macrophages and enhances the immunity of rainbow trout to bacterial pathogens wise et al. (1993). Addition of VE to feeds can increase the production of rainbow trout anti-Y. ruckeri antibodies and the activity of haploid macrophages (Pulsford, 1995), but it can not affect the humoral antibody immune response of Atlantic salmon, immune stimulation and renal bacterial disease No resistance. Clerton (2001) et al. fed rainbow trout with a suitable amount of VE diet to enhance the phagocytosis of phagocytic cells. The appropriate amount of VE supplementation can also significantly increase the phenol oxidase (PO) activity in the serum of Chinese shrimp and increase the phagocytic activity of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio alginolyticus. 3.3 Vitamin A Vitamin A is required to maintain the normal function of the immune system in aquatic animals. Recent studies have shown that intake of VA in Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout can affect humoral and cellular immune functions. Feeding rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon with diets lacking VA, fish serum anti-protease activity, kidney white blood cell migration viability, and macrophage phagocytosis decreased. Anti-proteases of fish play an important role in neutralizing the extracellular proteases produced by bacterial pathogens, in particular, a2-macroglobulin protects the carp species from damage. Salmonicida bacterial infectivity. High levels of VA in feed can increase the phagocytic capacity of fish lymphocytes and serum lysozyme and specific complement activity, thus affecting the immune function of aquatic animals. 4. Effects of minerals on the immune function of aquatic animals Minerals such as iron, selenium, copper and zinc are very important in the disease resistance and immune response of warm-blooded animals. However, the research on the disease resistance of fish is relatively rare. The iron can increase the resistance of river rafts to pathogenic bacteria. Selenium can enhance the superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and disease resistance of Atlantic salmon. Selenium can increase the activity and resistance of glutathione peroxidase in river rafts. Lim et al. (1997) studied the response of E. ictali infections to fish tail (fish back) infected by iron deficiency and supplementation of iron-feeding catfish tail (fish back). The chemotaxis of antigenic peritoneal macrophages was inhibited in vitro, but this abnormality was reversed in fish fed a supplemental iron diet. However, the results of the infection test showed that feed iron could not protect the punctal tail (fish back). Avoid death caused by E. ictalus infection. However, the death of fish fed with iron-deficient feed occurred earlier. Lim et al. (2000) added different doses of iron methionine (0, 30, and 300 mg/kg) to raft diets. The results showed that the total cell number, the number of red blood cells, and the hemoglobin were significantly decreased in the iron-deficient diet, and The addition of high-dose VC in the iron-deficient group diet resulted in a more pronounced decrease in hemoglobin. Under the stimulation of E. edwards, iron-loaded diets significantly enhanced river-transplanted macrophage transplantation. Berger et al. (1996) reported that excess or lack of iron has an effect on the immune system of aquatic animals, but Sealey et al. (1997) reported that iron deficiency diets have no effect on specific antibody responses. Lower levels of other minerals (Mg, Mn, Zn, Co, and Cu) in the feed but increased levels of iodine and fluoride can also significantly reduce the bacterial infection of bacterial kidney disease (BKD). In summary, the composition of feed not only affects the nutrition of animals, but also affects the immunity and disease resistance of animals. However, the relationship between nutrition and immune factors in aquatic animals and the mechanism of action are not yet clear. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the study of the relationship between the transfer, absorption, utilization, and metabolism of immune factors and nutrients in aquatic animals. Aquaculture provides a strong theoretical basis for promoting the development of aquaculture.

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